We Are Hiring (In Portland!) – Social Media And Content Creation Assistant + Design Team (Or both)

We Are Hiring (In Portland!) – Social Media And Content Creation Assistant + Design Team (Or both)


I always knew I’d need help up here, but wasn’t sure what the holes would be until we got here and boy am I experiencing the holes right now. I’m a swiss cheese version of myself. While we have the wonderful ARCIFORM team leading on the bulk of the renovation, and I have my team in LA running the blog and my production team still doing shoots down there – I am ready to hire some local help for ME and more importantly THAT FARM. I need help with daily in-person content on all platforms and help decorating the farmhouse. This could be one person or two, or four – here are the holes we are looking to fill:

  1. Social Media Assistant/Visual Media Manager – This is kinda a big job because now that the fun stuff is happening at the farm we need to be properly documenting and organizing it via photos, video, reels, and TikTok videos – to both post in real time and bank for reveal before/afters. Reels and TikTok videos will be huge for us this year so this person needs to be pretty obsessed with social media creation, come with new/creative ideas on how to shoot, be able to edit them together in creative ways, and take the lead on production. Ideally, they’d know what is happening at the farm, come up with a list of ideas on what to shoot and how to shoot it, then shoot it with or without me, edit it all together, organize footage securely and work directly with Mal to plan the posting schedule. This person must also have basic photography, editing, photoshop skills. Any extra skills (illustration, copywriting – hahahahaha – etc) is a huge plus!!
  2. Design/Editorial Assistant – This person would help execute the decorating of the farmhouse, work with myself and ARCIFORM to help get samples, order fabric swatches, take photos of furniture, and any drawing/rendering skills a plus. This person will also help prep posts in the backend of the blog, create floor-plan renderings, add graphics onto the photos/renderings when necessary (photoshop), help curate the posts based on the design process and work with ARCIFORM on getting assets, for those posts. Design school isn’t necessary, but must have photoshop and basic photo skills. A real editorial brain on how to tell a story is more important.

I can’t imagine finding all these skills in one person but heck maybe you exist out there in Portland? The pay is based on experience, and it might be two part-time people or one full-time person, or more. No College education or corporate training necessary – just have basic computer/photo/social skills that can grow, a lot of creativity and passion for interior design content creation, be highly organized (as I am not) and a really good, positive attitude. Both of these people will spend so much time with me so chemistry is also important …but we’ll have fun, I promise 🙂

Tell me and show me how you thrive, what you would create if you were in charge of documenting the farmhouse renovation, and give me a glimpse into your life. That means far more to me than any fancy education. 🙂

To apply, email Mallory at [email protected] by next Friday 12/10. If you are applying for the social media position please send a fun design-based TikTok/reel example.

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