TikTok’s Natasha Swingler (@effectivespaces) on How to Fold Clothes and Linens



Most of us are lucky if we remember to fold clean clothes while they’re still hot, before those dreaded wrinkles set in. The real pros among us are able to fold a fitted sheet without ending up with a crumpled ball and a boatload of rage. 

And then there are the folding elites, like my (and soon-to-be your) newest obsession, Natasha Swingler (@effectivespaces). The organizer extraordinaire’s viral TikTok videos, in which she details genius ways to simplify your laundry routine and fold the most stubborn pieces of clothing, have earned her 1.5 million followers. 

“I’ve always been organized, even more so now that I have two little ones,” Swingler says. “It saves me from having to search for things, and brings calmness into my home.” 

But there’s organized and then there’s organized, and Swingler is definitely the latter. While the Australian native started her own professional organizing business in 2019, it wasn’t until COVID-19 hit — and so many people were stuck at home, determined to streamline their spaces — that she decided to launch her socials and, in turn, herself to internet stardom.

“Everyone has different constraints that they are working with, and I try to provide solutions for everything from short hanging spaces and deep drawers to small space living,” says Swingler. “People are busy, so I try to provide solutions to take a little bit of the pressure off. I want to make it fun, too — the laundry isn’t going to put itself away, unfortunately, so if we can make it a little more fun, then, hey, why wouldn’t we?”

When it comes to dreaming up her epic hacks, Swingler goes through a lot of trial and error and focuses on developing tips that suit different people at different life stages. “I’m always experimenting and playing around with items,” she says. “I’ve spent a lot of time working in friends’ homes for experience and catering to people’s different requirements, whether they want something that looks aesthetically pleasing or a solution that is childproof.”

The fact that Swingler hit peak popularity during a worldwide pandemic isn’t lost on the laundry maven. “There’s a lot of uncertainty around us at the moment and many aspects of life that are out of our control,” says Swingler. “If I can provide solutions to problems and help bring a bit of peace and calm into people’s homes, then that’s a win in my eyes. Being organized does not come naturally to many people. To me, it isn’t about being perfect — it’s about finding solutions that work for you, which is why I share different ways of organizing spaces and folding items. There is no one-size-fits-all.” 

Are you also now inspired to basically rethink your entire closet? Keep scrolling for just a few of Swingler’s brilliant hacks for all those pesky-to-fold pieces. (P.S.: She’s a whiz at wrapping presents, too — naturally.) 

Apartment Therapy’s Laundry, Sorted vertical was written and edited independently by the Apartment Therapy editorial team and generously underwritten by Samsung.

