Introducing Rashida’s Dining Lounge Plan And Our First Ever EHD Reader Nationwide Vintage Hunt (You Bet There’s A Reward)

Introducing Rashida’s Dining Lounge Plan And Our First Ever EHD Reader Nationwide Vintage Hunt (You Bet There’s A Reward)


Hello EHD Loves! I’m finally back. I took a long and much-needed break from in-depth renovations after the kitchen reveal. Honestly, that project wiped me out and I didn’t want any more construction in my home for a while. I think a lot of us can relate to the woes of living through a renovation that took much longer than expected. But is it even a kitchen renovation if it doesn’t take longer than planned?

For today’s project introduction, we’re not going that far away from the kitchen. Actually, we’re stepping just a few feet away from the kitchen and designing what I’m calling our “Dining Lounge”. I live in a row house in DC and everything is narrow. So although this space is dedicated to be used as a dining room, there’s really not that much space to add a table and chairs with enough pull-out clearance. This is why I will utilize built-ins and turn it more into a breakfast nook. I like the term dining lounge more because honestly, that’s exactly what happens in that area. Even though the living room is a few steps away, Jasen (my hubs) and I are always lounging in that area. Whether we’re doing work, eating, surfing the internet, etc we’re always in that dining space. In fact, when we have visitors, they also flock to that area. No one ever wants to sit on our sofa. I think it’s the sunshine that attracts. That area gets THE BEST sun throughout the day, and we as humans just naturally gravitate to it.

Before I move any further with this post, I want to encourage you to read until the end. I’m going to need your help with something. And there’s a prize involved! But don’t peek and skip to the good part. Promise!?


Now I have some pretty cool ideas for this space. I want it to feel like a cafe in my home. Fun fact: I’m obsessed with cafes and coffee bar design. So bringing that same vibe into my space let me know what to search for when looking for inspiration. The first thing I needed to decide on was layout. I knew I wanted a built-in banquette with storage flanking on either side of that long wall. The question to myself was, do I have built-ins going all the way to the ceiling or leave them at counter height. Ultimately, I decided on counter height for a few reasons: 

  1. I didn’t want any structural piece interfering with my good sunlight. 
  2. I need a place to display an accessible and functional coffee and tea bar. 
  3. Going with the counter height is less work and less money.

Once I had my layout in mind it was then time to dream a bit about the design elements that I’ve been swooning over for months. Because the wall is now open and a main focal point, I wanted to do a wall treatment. I’m personally not a fan of wallpaper (*hear me out! lol*). I love wallpaper when I see it in other spaces, but in my own space, I tend to get overwhelmed by too many colorful patterns. So instead of wallpaper, I decided to do an artistic wood wall that’s not your traditional paneling or shiplap (like in the photos above). I’ve been gawking over these spaces with abstract shape textured walls, and I want to try that in our space. (shhh DIY coming your way).

design by paradowski studio | photo by pion studio | via dezeen
design by studio paolo ferrari
design by claude cartier | photo by guillaume grasset | via the beauty of design

I decided to go with a round glass table just to filter more light throughout. I love the base of this Crate & Barrel table. It’s so sculptural and will tie in with the black elements from the kitchen. 

I saw this wavy headboard in a bedroom and thought this would look beautiful against the wood wall treatment, and add some softness to the space. 

headboard by cuff studio | photo by laurel wood creative

But the disruption for this area will be the chairs. I’ve made it a rule to always have one “disruptive element” in my designs. I love when the eye looks around the room, thinking that it knows what’s coming next but then there’s a design element that interrupts your assumption and makes you pause and think. For this dining lounge, it will be the chairs that will disrupt and interrupt. And now that I think about it, probably the wood wall too!

I want two vintage chairs that of course don’t match (because why not). I’ve had these two chairs (pictured below) on a Pinterest board for a while. I love the chunkiness, but also the simplistic but unusual design of each chair. I know it will be hard to find those exact chairs, and if I did happen to find them, I know it would be crazy expensive. So I’m looking for vintage chairs that are similar or chairs that fit the “chunky unusual” criteria. And this is the part where I need your help!!!

*Trumpet sound* I’m calling all “obsessive Facebook Marketplace browsers”, “vintage shop goers”, and “thrift store hunters” to help me in this nationwide search (hahaha it sounds like a manhunt) for the perfect pair of chairs for my dining lounge. Below are pictures of chair styles from my Pinterest board, and also a graphic of what I want and don’t want in a chair. That criteria is really centered around my dogs. I love them so much but living with two pups that have shed constantly for the past 8 years has taught me what pieces last and look best living with pets.

To sweeten the deal, if I choose the chair or chairs you send me, I will send a surprise Design Lover’s gift box to your home as a special thank you. I know you’re probably wondering, what’s in the box??? It’s a SURPRISE! But if we here at EHD have anything to do with it, then you know it will be good.

I’m so excited to engage with those of you who are willing to participate! To make things run seamlessly, I created an email specifically for this: [email protected]

If you see something on Facebook Marketplace or other sites, send it to that email. If you see something on Instagram, you are more than welcome to DM me, but I do prefer using the email to keep everything organized. However, it’s a hunt, and time can be of the essence, so DM works if that’s faster and easier for you!

As always, I look forward to revealing this space to you all and I especially look forward to all the beautiful chairs you send my way. You can find me on Instagram @rashida.banks. And again the email for the chair search is: [email protected]

Until next time…Be well Loves! Happy searching!

Opening Image Credits: Design by Rashida Banks | Photo by Keyanna Bowen

The post Introducing Rashida’s Dining Lounge Plan And Our First Ever EHD Reader Nationwide Vintage Hunt (You Bet There’s A Reward) appeared first on Emily Henderson.
