Cleaning fan reveals hack to get grout looking like new without scrubbing

How to clean grout


Scrubbing dirt out of the grout on a tiled floor is one of the worst cleaning tasks. However, a cleaning fan has revealed her degreaser grout cleaning hack that promises to leave floors sparkling with minimal effort.

Most guides on how to clean grout nearly always involve a little scrubbing with a brush. However, savvy US-based cleaning fan, Azure MacCannell, revealed in a video on TikTok that degreaser helps her get the job done without any scrubbing.

How to clean grout

Image credit: Colin Poole

Degreaser grout cleaning hack

‘I accidentally spilt this degreaser on my floor and discovered that it cleans my grout without even scrubbing,’ Azure MacCannell explains in the video. She demonstrated by pouring the degreaser on the floor and used a brush to quickly run over the grout with it.

‘I pour it on. Just let it sit for a minute, and wipe it off,’ she says as she wipes the degreaser off with a mop.

In a flash, the slightly grimy grout looks like new, with all the black marks that had built up removed. Azure even compares it to an area where she didn’t use the degreaser and the difference is clear to see.

Cleaning mop and bucket

Image credit: Polly Eltes

In the video, Azure uses a degreaser by Healthier Home which is currently only available to purchase in the US. However, Elbow Grease, priced at £1 on Amazon should also do the trick as one of the best cleaning products out there.

Can you use a degreaser to clean grout?

Heather Barrigan, a cleaning expert at says that it is perfectly safe to clean a floor with a degreaser and your best mop. However, she warns that it should be applied before any other cleaning products and used sparingly.

pink dining area with grey tiled floor

Image credit: Future plc / Colin Poole

‘Before the application, you should make sure you clear the floor of any debris, then dilute the solution in accordance with the product instructions,’ she says. ‘Once diluted, it can then be added to the floor sporadically, as too much too soon may cause damage to the floor.’

‘If you have porcelain tiles, you may want to use a more watered down solution, as too much degreaser may cause damage to the surface of the tile,’ she adds.

Tim Richards, Director of Tiling at Wickes agrees adding that ‘where degreaser can work well for some glazed tiles, this technique can also be damaging for un-glazed or porous tiles.’

So do make sure you do your homework before trying this hack on your own tiles and grout.

The post Cleaning fan reveals hack to get grout looking like new without scrubbing appeared first on Ideal Home.
