Benjamin COTY 2022 – A Color For The Sages

benjamin moore coty - october mist 1495 - classic sage green



Hi Everyone,

Before we get into the Color of the Year – Benjamin Moore COTY 2022.

I just have to say that I’m back from a trip to New York. It was a lovely trip which I took for a bit of a break, but mostly to see the young prima ballerina, Skylar Brandt, perform the title role in the iconic ballet, Giselle.


Yesterday, on the train home, I got an email from my sister, Holly, who asked me.


How was it?

And since my internet was slower than molasses sitting on the shelf for a decade, I took the time to write her back a review which I have republished here, along with some pics I took during the curtain call.

Yes, I am aware that there have been other reviews written. However, I wrote this before I read them.

There is also a little extra treat on that page.


Okay, it’s time to discuss the Benjamin Moore COTY 2022


benjamin moore coty - october mist 1495 - classic sage green

October Mist 1495

If that color sounds familiar to some of you, it’s because it’s very close to a dead-ringer for a Farrow & Ball color, Blue Gray from the Benjamin Moore conversion chart.


F & Ball Blue Gray


Blue Gray, which is neither blue nor gray, is a muted sage green. And, so is October Mist 1495.


Henceforth, October Mist is a color for the sages.


Cute little pun, huh?

In addition, for Laurel Home paint collection owners, two down from 1495 lives one of the paint collection colors often talked about on this blog;


Benjamin Moore rolling hills 1497


The very liveable Rolling Hills 1497. That is a reasonably deep color.

October Mist is a mid-tone sage green.

In addition, there is another Laurel Home Paint Collection color that is very close to October Mist, and that is Saybrook Sage hc 114. We’ll be looking at that in a bit.


Okay, it’s time for some Sage Advice. ;]


Please don’t drive yourself crazy with these minor color differences.

Does anyone know why?

Yes, Cynthia.

Because of the lighting?

Yes, the lighting in your room is going to make the difference. Of course, it changes all of the colors in relation to each other.

However, below is an excellent example of the point I’m trying to make.


Musee Rodin, Paris - Farrow & Ball Blue Gray

Above and below is the Musee Rodin in Paris via the living Beautifully blog. The paint color, I’m pretty sure, is Farrow & Ball Blue Gray. This color is also close to the COTY 2022 – October Mist 1495.


F & Ball Blue Gray

Above is Farrow & Ball blue-gray. And, yes, the same color can look this different in a photo and in person. We’ve discussed this in other recent posts. This is the reason why we must always test, test, test paint colors.


Musee Rodin F & B blue gray

This is also why when folks ask me, “What is that paint color?” Well, I hope you can see why that’s problematic. Seldom does a paint color in print look like what it is.

benjamin moore coty 2022 - October mist 1495

Above is a photo with the Benjamin Moore COTY 2022 – October Mist.

benjamin moore coty - october mist 1495 - classic sage green

benjamin moore coty 2022 - October mist 1495 color corrected

Above, I color-corrected a little, so it is closer to the actual color.

Some will say that Benjamin Moore COTY 2022 October Mist is a “safe choice;” or maybe even boring.


Indeed, they also said that Simply White was a “boring choice.”

I’m afraid I have to disagree quite strongly. I think that Simply White, albeit brave, was the best color they had chosen to date.

In addition, when it comes to painting all four walls, in my opinion, “safe” and “boring” might be the better choice.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t do a jazzy color like Racing Orange Red, for example.


lamps high point market antiques hpmkt - wall color benjamin moore racing orange red - great for a paint color paletteracing orange 2169-10


In fact, that would be an excellent accent color, say for a dining room, off of another room in October Mist.

In addition, I think that October Mist is a far better choice than the somewhat cloying Guilford Green from 2015. Hmmm… I thought I had done a post about it, but I can’t find it. Oh well, probably for the best!


Now, let’s look at the Benjamin Moore color trends 2022 to see how they did with those colors.


benjamin moore coty 2022 - color trends 2022Of course, no one would put all of these colors together in one home, unless maybe in a fabric. However, I think this color palette shows a lot of thought, and it coordinates nicely with some of the palettes in the Laurel Home Paint and Palette Collection.

Below are two palettes from the Laurel Home Collection, along with their accompanying boards.

Benjamin Moore opal palette

Benjamin Moore opal living room

sea froth bonus palette

Below is sea froth, a very soft whisper of lavender in a warm pale gray. It’s a lovely color we did in a living room several years ago.

sea froth bonus board August 2017

This is one of the bonus boards I created later on.


I discovered that all of the colors in color trends except for High Park and Venetian Portico have an identical or very close fraternal twin in the Laurel Home Collection.


color trends 2022 - Benjamin Moore COTY 2022


Yes, I’m going to tell you the names of the Benjamin Moore paint colors that match other Benjamin Moore paint colors. ;] (Although one of them, Quiet Moments is the same.)


The colors from the top left to right are:


Swiss Coffee, Halo, Saybrook Sage, Desert Twilight

2nd Row:

Fresh Air, Sea Froth, Peaceful Garden, Racoon Fur

3rd Row:

White Blush, Manchester Tan, Quiet Moments, (also in the trends) Spiced Pumpkin

Saybrook Sage hc 114 is another Benjamin Moore color that is close to October Mist.


benjamin moore coty - october mist 1495 - classic sage greenAbove is October Mist 1495

benjamin Moore saybrook sage hc 114Above is Saybrook Sage hc114 and one of 144 beautiful Benjamin Moore colors in the Laurel Home Essential Paint and Palette Collection


saybrook sage dining room paletteAbove is a palette I created using colors in the collection. The palettes are all of the colors in the space. They aren’t going to all be used as wall colors. You can also combine color palettes that I have separated out in “palette families.”


Saybrook Sage Dining Room board - LH Paint Palette Collection

Above is a board I created with Benjamin Moore Saybrook Sage walls.

There are 40 palettes with accompanying boards and lots of other information.

You can find out more about it starting here.


In summation, I’m pleased with Benjamin Moore’s selection of both the COTY 2022 and their accompanying color trends.


And, I think it’s funny that so many colors in my paint collection are dead ringers for their colors.

Hmm… It must be a coincidence. Right? Of course, it is. lol

Please check out the newly updated HOT SALES. It’s a particularly good weekend with some surprising sales I wasn’t expecting. And, there are also a lot of new items in the widgets to see.

Also, if interested or just curious about my review for Skylar Brandt’s New York debut of Giselle, please check out this page. The first part of the page, I wrote a few days ago, talks about Skylar’s background and our connection. The new review is towards the bottom.



The post Benjamin COTY 2022 – A Color For The Sages appeared first on Laurel Home.
