A Hosting Checklist To Get You All Ready For The Holidays

A Hosting Checklist To Get You All Ready For The Holidays


Emily wrote this post a few years ago and we thought that it would be fun to post it again since hopefully, we are safely gathering this year! Plus the checklist and ‘Mad Lib’ we created are fun tools for you to use and enjoy:) Ok now onto the post.

Some of our best memories happen around the holidays when everyone is under one roof and you are all packed in together having fun with each other. But before those beloved memories can happen you have to make sure to stock up on supplies, swap out the sheets, get some extra toothbrushes, grab them their favorite snacks, clean out the guest bedroom closet to give them some room.

So, to help us all out we decided that it would be fun to pull together a last-minute list to help you get your own home prepped for anyone that might be coming to town in the coming weeks to stay with you. Not every single item on this list is mandatory and by all means you don’t need to create more stress for yourself by trying to cross all of these off, but for those of you who enjoy a list and find it more helpful when it is right in front of you so that you can cross it all off, we have you covered.

Emily Henderson Hostess Holiday Check List Blue Blog

Some of my favorites, although COMPLETELY unnecessary. Pillow Spray – I recently got some and love spraying it on my pillow before bed. Fresh Flowers – if nothing else get some fresh flowers or a small bud vase with something from your garden to put on their nightstand, it will spruce up the room and stay fresh during their entire stay. Phone Charger – this is the most important thing that I always need to bring yet I always seem to forget it. An extra phone charger would be very much appreciated by any guest staying at your place.

And because lists are helpful albeit boring, we pulled together a “mad-libs” inspired note for you to pass along to your guest when they arrive. It’s probably overkill, but I would have so much fun filling in all these blanks and tailoring the answers to the person that was coming to visit, and if they haven’t been to your place before it can help give them a bit of a guide to what is close by and around should they need anything during their stay.

Emily Henderson Holiday Hostess Checklist Fill In The Blank Blue

To get you started here are a few of our favorites that are still pretty enough to display out after your guests leave. Happy Hosting my friends.

1. Liv Smoke Glass Carafe | 2. Pink Terra Cotta Vase | 3. Lena Black And White Towel | 4. Lidded Amber Glass Jar Crackling Wooden Wick Candle | 5. Feather and Down Pillow (set of 2) | 6. Muse Bath Apothecary Pillow Ritual | 7. Resurrection Aromatique Hand Wash | 8. Matte Terracotta Vase | 9. 9oz Cypress & Pine Textured Glass Seasonal Candle | 10. Modal Bath Towel | 11. Cloche with Matches | 12. Sandstone Soap Dispenser

Opener Image Credit: Design by Malcolm Simmons | Photo by Keyanna Bowen | From: Malcolm’s Bedroom Reveal

The post A Hosting Checklist To Get You All Ready For The Holidays appeared first on Emily Henderson.

