6 Everyday Habits To Nurture Happiness At Home, With IKEA

6 Everyday Habits To Nurture Happiness At Home, With IKEA


6 Everyday Habits To Nurture Happiness At Home, With IKEA

Expert Advice

by Lucy Feagins, Editor

From left: HUMLEMOTT Throw in off-white, ULLERSLEV Sheepskin, IKEA 365+ Mug, RIKLIG Teapot, HEAT Pot stand.

From left: HUMLEMOTT Throw in off-white, ULLERSLEV Sheepskin, IKEA 365+ Mug, RIKLIG Teapot, HEAT Pot stand.

From left: ULLERSLEV Sheepskin, IKEA 365+ Mug, RIKLIG Teapot, HEAT Pot stand.

From left: FORMSKÖN Water Bottle, UPPDATERA Storage Box, PLUFSIG Gym Mat, MÄVINN Runner.

From top: FORMSKÖN Water Bottle, MÄVINN Runner, UPPDATERA Storage Box.

Morning Me-Time

Could you make time to be alone before the morning chaos in your household begins, even for just 15 minutes? Try setting your alarm just a little earlier and see if you can!

Try to resist technology for these first few moments of the day. Brew a cup of tea with IKEA’s RIKLIG teapot, snuggle with a pet, water your indoor plants using the CHILIFRUKT watering can, or simply enjoy your own company. Creating a dedicated spot in the home where you return each morning will help embed this daily ritual — a comfy chair, window seat or reading nook that invites calm and stillness.

Room To Move

There is plenty of evidence pointing to the links between exercise and happiness. We know exercise boosts our mood, concentration and alertness, and general sense of wellbeing — but, we don’t always do what we know is good for us!

Making a dedicated space for exercise in your home can really help turn it into a regular habit. Keep exercise equipment, such as the PLUFSIG gym mat, weights and FORMSKÖN water bottle, neat and easily accessible in the UPPDATERA storage box, making it simple and seamless to integrate a little movement into every day.

From top: HÖVOLM Rack, LURPASSA Basket, TENHULT Step Stool.

From left: SOCKERÄRT Vase, OMBONAD Serving Plate.

From top: ÄNGSNEJLIKA Hand Towel, PENNFISK Basket, JÄMLIK Scented Candle.


From left: TENHULT Step Stool, HAVERN Bath Rack, IKEA 365+ Mug, ÄNGSNEJLIKA Bath Towel.

From top: HAVERN Bath Rack, IKEA 365+ Mug, ÄNGSNEJLIKA Bath Towel.

Shake off the Day

When you return home from work or study, create a habit where you can leave your ‘work self’ at the door and settle into a more relaxed mode.

One way to approach this is to create an organised ‘catch-all’ area near the entrance to your home, where you can transition from work mode into home mode, leaving your baggage at the door. This could be as simple as having the VASSKÄR shoe rack in the entrance to easily swap out your work loafers for slippers, or a HÖVOLM Rack to hang up your coat and bag.

Self-Care Sanctuary

Uninterrupted alone-time is hard to come by in the modern age — but you’re most likely to get it in your bathroom! So, consider setting up your bathroom for little moments of self-care, and make time to unwind here once a week if you can.

Through simple additions such as IKEA’s JÄMLIK scented candle, BJÄLVEN bath robe or even a calming soundtrack to your bathing routine, you can create an atmosphere of real relaxation. Whether it’s a long, luxurious bath or a refreshing shower, the act of indulging in a simple self-care ritual allows us to release stress, rejuvenate our senses, and restore a sense of balance.

On table: SVARTSENAP Place Mat, GLADELIG Deep Plate, KONSTFULL Vase, VÅRARV Napkins, IKEA 365+ Cutlery, ÖMSESIDIG Glass.

Clockwise from top: GLADELIG Deep Plate, GLADELIG Plate, SVARTSENAP Place Mat, IKEA 365+ Cutlery, PAPPERSBJÖRK Glass.

On table: SVARTSENAP Place Mat, GLADELIG Deep Plate, KONSTFULL Vase, VÅRARV Napkins, IKEA 365+ Cutlery, PAPPERSBJÖRK Glass.

Clockwise from top: GLADELIG Deep Plate, SVARTSENAP Place Mat, IKEA 365+ Cutlery, PAPPERSBJÖRK Glass.

From left: DEJSA Table Lamp, BONDTOLVAN Alarm Clock.

From left: DEJSA Table Lamp, BONDTOLVAN Alarm Clock,PAPPERSBJÖRK Glass, HUMLEMOTT Throw in grey-green.

Dinner Time Special

Eating together regularly as a family or with loved ones is known to contribute to feelings of connectedness and emotional well-being, as evidenced in this Harvard University study.

Harnessing this idea, make time once a week for a ‘special’ meal where the whole family (or housemates, neighbours or friends) come together for a sit-down meal. Create a sense of occasion by setting the table with purpose, establishing an inviting atmosphere that brings everyone together. Break out the ‘good’ plates and place settings (try IKEA’s GLADELIG deep plates and SVARTSENAP place mats) to make this weekly dinner feel special.

The Wind Down

Spending just ten minutes preparing your mind and body for bed in the evenings is a game-changer that can set you up for a more restful night’s sleep. Try removing your phone from the bedside table, and instead use IKEA’s BONDTOLVAN alarm clock to replace your phone alarm.

Encourage screen-free time in bed, and try a bedside lamp with a dimmable setting (such as the DEJSA table lamp), for reading or journalling at bedtime.

Home is the best place to cultivate happiness, and even small changes can make a big difference. Learn more about how to nurture happiness in your home with the help of IKEA, here.

