Modern Cedar Fence Picket Birdhouse Kit

Modern Cedar Fence Picket Birdhouse Kit


Want to share your love of DIY with your kiddos?  Building a birdhouse is a great starter project.

Here’s how you can build a modern cedar birdhouse for just $1 using half of a cedar fence picket.

DIY Birdhouse Kit Instructions Free Printable

Here’s a free printable for building this birdhouse with instructions.

Photo Steps of Building this Modern Birdhouse

This plan is designed for a 5 1/2″ wide x 1/2″ thick fence picket, about $2 each.  

Other materials like a 1×6 could be used, but because the wood is thicker, it may alter your outcome slightly.  Adjust accordingly if you use different materials.

Use a miter saw or circular saw to cut the cedar fence picket as noted in the cut list below.  Notice I trimmed the rough end off and there’s also enough leftover for a second birdhouse.

Then I just nailed the front to the sides.  If you are having kiddos do the assembly, consider predrilling holes and having them attach with pound in nails or screws.  Also recommended is wood glue designed for oily wood and exterior applications.

Next, it’s time to add the top and bottom – the back side is still open.  Notice the back is a little bigger – this is just to add that “mod” feel to it and give you a place to hang on a tree.

Now we’ll put the back on ….

Just line up the bottom and outside edges with the floor and roof …

Drill a hole to hang the house on a tree

And then add a front door with a larger bit

The back can be used to hang on a tree.

Since this is cedar, no finish is needed.  The birds will appreciate that!

