Cedar Propane Tank Cover Table

propane tank cover table


Why I Built a Propane Tank Cover Table

We are going to add a propane heater to our deck space to allow us to sit out and enjoy it for a longer period of time. We were also lacking a side table that would look nice with our modular seating. To check both projects off the list, I came up with this! Something that conceals the ugly propane tank and adds a tabletop surface to set things on. 

Modular Outdoor Seating 


More Photos of My DIY Propane Tank Cover Table

propane tank cover table


propane tank cover table


propane tank cover table


Photo Steps of Building my Propane Tank Cover Table

Here’s some photos I took while building this propane tank cover –

propane tank cover table building steps

The first step is to build these two frames out of 2x4s.

Then you just add the cedar fence pickets to the outsides of the frames to enclose the sides.

propane tank cover table building steps

The propane tank will go in between the two side panels.

propane tank cover table building steps

Then I just added the front and back cedar fence pickets to the side panels.

propane tank cover table building steps

For the top, I set a 1×3 piece on top of the 2×4 frames and attached the top cedar fence pickets to it and added a hinge on the back.

propane tank cover table building steps

This propane tank cover table turned out so great for being such a quick and easy project!

propane tank cover table building steps


Related Plans in this Collection

This plan is based off my original outdoor storage chest plan. 

outdoor storage bench

I have been using this outdoor storage chest for almost five years.  I did have to replace a couple of screws in the hinges, but it is STILL being used to hold my kid’s outdoor toys!


Free Plans to Build Your Own Propane Tank Cover Table

