40 Unique Kitchens Without Upper Cabinets

40 Unique Kitchens Without Upper Cabinets


Kitchen designs are critical aspects of space planning and layout. Beyond aesthetics, the function comfortability, and traffic flow of the kitchen should be considered, well-analyzed, and well-executed. Thus, each of the complex elements of a kitchen should respond to the needs of safety, security, and sanitation. This is why the need for a tidy organization of the spaces and storage areas must be considered in designing and planning your kitchen layout. For safety, kitchens should be spacious and roomy. Thus, it must also be well-lit and ergonomically appropriate.

Kitchens Without Upper Cabinets

The copper worktop and splash back echo the refined industrial aesthetic

Image: Michaelis Boyd

Hence, whatever the size of your kitchen is, storages like cabinets, drawers, and shelves are as important as counters and appliances. Worry no more, you can have a less-clutter kitchen even without upper cabinets! Here is how to design a kitchen without upper cabinets or how to organize a kitchen without upper cabinets while keeping your kitchen always presentable and in order!

Beautiful mix of white and oak.

Image: Bunsa Studio

Keeping a tidy and arranged kitchen sounds impossible when there is lacking or insufficient kitchen storage for your utensils, cutleries, condiments, cookery tools. The secret on how to design a kitchen without upper cabinets is to sort out and define the type of storage it needs with the total spaces of any cabinets that you have!

The marble and wood accents ground the high ceilings in this kitchen.

Image: The Design Atelier

  • Drawers with or without divisions can keep your smaller kitchen and dining tools and equipment in order and sanitize. Drawers are preferable accessible right under the countertop for fast utilization and storing. The best option to do primarily is to make the most out of your under-counter cabinet or shelf.
  • Going out of the way, if you don’t want any object above your countertop, you can have a full-length cabinet instead for a lesser bulk-looking wall.
  • You can also add more under-counter cabinets by lengthening your counter and making a horizontal rack or adding trays and organizers in it to organize your plates, pans, and containers.
  • Utilize every part and corner of the under-counter cabinet by using a door that fully opens to the height and width of the under-counter cabinet.
  • If you really think that cabinets are bulky, shelves are too! But shelves have simple magic that you can beautify the upper wall of your kitchen counter. Shallow-depths two-layer shelves about your countertop as an alternative to upper cabinets will look more tidy and stylish as they can only accommodate lesser items. You can also put decorative vases beside a kitchen tool to attract attention.

Images: Jean Stoffer Design

Image: Angela Rose

Image: Becki Owens

Image: Lesley Wanchulak

Image: J E R E M I A H B R E N T

Images: Athena Calderone

Benefits to not having upper cabinets

Basically, these are only some ideas that you can use, articulate, or improvise on how to organize a kitchen without upper cabinets. Hence, there are also a lot of selections of designs on how to add glamour and visual effects to your kitchen countertop overhead. There are also benefits to not having upper cabinets.

  • You can decorate the wall with stylish tiles or cladding on the wall of your kitchen to make it not bare-looking.
  • You can add pendant lamps or a chandelier for a more lighted working space on your countertop.
  • You can add wall arts or wall frames for a tidier and decorative kitchen wall.

The post 40 Unique Kitchens Without Upper Cabinets appeared first on Decoholic.

