The 1% theory: 5 ways to make your home easier to keep tidy

The 1% theory: 5 ways to make your home easier to keep tidy


By Bridget Johns

Maintaining a tidy home can feel like a never-ending challenge, and the idea of having a clutter-free and organised home can feel unattainable. That’s why I came up with the 1% theory; a simple concept anyone can embrace to make the process more manageable and achievable. Here are five ways to simplify your home so it’s easier to keep tidy. 

1 . Dedicate 1% of your day 

The 1% theory principle can transform your life! We get 1,440 minutes a day which means 1% of your day is just 14.4 minutes. Instead of ignoring the things that leave us stressed and annoyed, consider the compounding effect of dedicating 1% of each day to sorting them out. Commit to spending 15 minutes each day on decluttering and tidying up. Set a timer and focus on a specific area or task during this dedicated time. By consistently devoting a small portion of your day, you’ll make noticeable progress in maintaining a tidy home.

2. Embrace the ‘less stuff = more time’ philosophy 

Having less stuff in your home simplifies the process of cleaning, liberating time for joy, fun and collecting precious moments. With less clutter, cleaning becomes more efficient, requiring less time and effort. By embracing the philosophy of “collecting moments, not things”, you shift the focus from material possessions to experiences. This mindset allows you to prioritise meaningful activities, fostering a sense of fulfilment and creating a balanced life that prioritises joy and cherished memories over the accumulation of stuff.

3. Space boundaries

Establishing space boundaries and reducing the amount of “stuff” you are able to keep makes tidying easier. By forcing yourself to keep fewer possessions, there is less clutter to manage and tidy up. It also allows for better organisation and saves time, as items can be stored more efficiently and found quickly. By creating space boundaries, you create a sense of order and simplicity, streamlining the tidying process and making it more manageable.

4. Mums are not maids

Everyone in a home makes a mess, so everyone should be part of the tidying process. Let’s turn tidying into a fun family adventure. Get everyone involved, set the timer for 15 minutes, put on a Spotify playlist, assign age-appropriate tasks, and get cleaning. Transform it into a game or a race. By instilling tidiness as a joyful habit from a young age, the whole family can work together, making the home sparkle. Together, let’s make tidying an exciting and enjoyable activity for everyone!

5. Be the bouncer 

Clutter can creep into our home so it’s time to be the bouncer! Remember the imposing bouncers at clubs? They never allowed excess people in the space. Channel your inner bouncer to defend your home against clutter! Don’t let anything in unless it’s on the VIP list. While it may be tempting to indulge in online shopping, stop, focus, and notice if you truly need it. Remember, more stuff equals more cleaning. 

Embracing the 1% theory is a game changer when it comes to maintaining a tidy home. By dedicating just 15 minutes each day, practising mindful decluttering, creating efficient storage solutions, implementing daily maintenance routines, and involving your household, you can make your home easier to keep tidy. Remember, it’s the small consistent steps that lead to significant transformations. Embrace these strategies and experience the joy and tranquillity of an organised living space.

Bridget Johns is a realistic home organiser and time optimiser at Be Simply Free. She is a master of helping women simplify their homes, optimise their time and reduce their mental load so they can spend more of it collecting moments, not things. You can follow Bridget here.

The post The 1% theory: 5 ways to make your home easier to keep tidy appeared first on The Interiors Addict.
