Re-paint your walls this winter in 5 simple steps

Re-paint your walls this winter in 5 simple steps


If you’re cooped up at home this winter and looking for a DIY project, painting your walls is a quick and affordable way to add some personality to your home.

To help you get started, British Paints has shared their 101 guide to transforming a room in just one week.

Step 1: Plan your creative edge

Sometimes the hardest step in a room transformation is finding inspiration. With so many directions to take and choices to make, this can be the most time-consuming part of the whole process!

To find the perfect colour for your space, start by sampling a few different colours. Head into your local store or warehouse and pick up a few sample pots of colours you love. When you get home, grab a few blank pieces of paper and add a bit of the chosen colour onto each sheet.

Next, tape these up against the wall so you can view your colours at different times of the day and night. Once you’ve chosen your favourite option, it’s time to purchase your paint and other tools.

Step 2: Select the right paint 

To simplify the planning stage and save time, you can calculate exactly how much paint you’ll need before you head with the British Paints online paint calculator. We always recommend a paint that combines an undercoat and a topcoat in one for convenience.

The right tools can make or break your DIY project. Add the following to your shopping list for a fast and easy experience: Brush, roller and frame, a ladder, roller tray, roller pole, drop sheets, masking tape, filing blades, gap filler, rags, sandpaper, sugar soap and of course, paint!

Step 3: Prepare the room

Before getting underway, make sure the room is cleared of anything you don’t want paint on! Move your furniture from the walls, remove any curtains or artwork. Then cover the floor with those drop sheets you purchased!

Begin to wash the walls using water and sugar soap: a necessity to ensure a smooth and even paint job.

If you’ve noticed any gaps or holes, fill these in using the gap filler and filler blade. Once dry, lightly sand these areas for a smooth surface. If you’re keeping any areas paint free, like skirting boards, light switches, or power points, remember to tape up these points to avoid getting paint anywhere it shouldn’t go.

Step 4: Get painting 

Now for the fun part – it’s time to get painting! Grab your paint. For perfect results, you’ll need to apply two coats, allowing the paint to dry in between.

When using a paint roller, you’ll work from one side of the wall to the other. Place your feet facing towards the wall and grip the roller with a firm but relaxed hand. Begin by working in sections, rolling in a large W pattern at first, then filling in the blanks of your W pattern with some extra zigzagging strokes. 

Once you’ve covered your first section of wall using the W pattern, finish by using a technique called laying off to ensure there’s no messy streaks and you achieve an even finish. It’s simple: just use long vertical strokes and light pressure to paint over the area you recently covered.  

Keep rolling with a combination of the W pattern and laying off until your entire wall is complete.

Step 5: Style

Get your room back into tip-top shape – remove the drop sheets, then proceed to vacuum and clean the windows so the room is looking completely refreshed and clean.

Move all the furniture back to position and think about any final touches to finish off the transformation. Perhaps select some house  plants or artwork to add some personality to the room!

Now take a step back and soak in the room transformation you just mastered!

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