Personal Growth & Wellness Journals

Personal Growth & Wellness Journals


Happy weekend all! I am finishing up some shopping and finally decorating the Christmas tree. Things always speed up in these early weeks in December then we all crave that slowing down that happens after Christmas.

We live in such a busy society filled with distractions and pressures to perform, it can be exhausting. Thankfully topics of mental health and wellness are being normalized and discussed much more so than in the past.

Instead of daily planners to crack open on January 1st, below are a variety of journals and workbooks for personal reflection and self discovery for you (or for someone you know). These versions aren’t just blank pages, they come with prompts and insightful questions to assist in becoming more self aware and guide you in setting goals and practices for a happier and more balanced life.

In anticipation of a reset, browse through these mental health and wellness journals and maybe you’ll find one that’s fits your personal journey.

Self Love Journal



Artist of Life Workbook


Dream Life Workbook


Therapy Journal




Boundaries Journal




Core Values Journal


Self Reflection Reset Guide


Meditation Sidekick Journal


 Gratitude Journal



Self Care Planner



Mind Notes Reflection Journal


Mind Journal


Wellness Mapping Journal


Anti Anxiety Notebook

Dig Deeper Journal 

