More Info on Our New Subscription Offering (Including a Free Trial)

hein cozzi ptown living wood stove 0


hein cozzi ptown living wood stove 0 Above: Photograph by Justine Hand for Remodelista, from Provincetown Eclectic: A Design Duo Channels P-town’s Storied Past.

Last week we announced that we’ll be launching a new subscription offering to Remodelista, Gardenista, and The Organized Home in 2022. (You can read the original post here.) Since then, we’ve read all of your comments and feedback with care;  today we’re following up with some updates and more info on what’s to come.

For starters, many readers commented that they’d like to see more original content on the site. We hear you—us too. That’s one of our main reasons for pursuing the subscription model that other sites have adopted. Since Remodelista began around Julie’s kitchen table 15 years ago, we’ve shifted from an early-internet blog through the many changes, pivots, and ups and downs of the publishing world; most recently, we’ve returned to our roots: a small team of writers and editors. We want to be able to publish new projects and photography as frequently as we have in the past, but the declining ad revenue environment of the last few years makes it a challenge. A new subscription model will enable us to pay our writers and photographers to do that more.

We know there are lots of subscriptions out there these days, but our hope is that this new format will allow us to deliver more original, high-quality content and offer an improved experience to you, our readers, too (including a clean, ad-free format, something we’ve taken to heart from reader comments over the past few years).

Some commenters also pointed out that they’d like to see what the increased content will be like before subscribing. To that end, beginning February 1, readers can experience the new features and content in one of two ways:

  • Free two-month preview: Anyone who visits the sites will be able to check out the new experience for free from February 1-April 1 before deciding whether to subscribe, no credit card needed. The two-month free period includes all daily original posts, the new Bulletin Board (for sharing sources and getting answers to remodeling questions), virtual Ask the Expert Q&As, and, of course, all 19,000 articles in our archive. Ads will still be visible as part of the preview.
  • Or jump in with a subscription: If you’re ready to start the full subscription experience—all of the above with no ads—you can get started on February 1 for $59.99/year (which works out to $5/month). We’ll be posting more info on how to join soon.

We hope you’ll join us to experience the updated site and all the new content we’re planning and that you’ll find the updates worth the investment, too. Let us know in the comments what kinds of posts you’d most like to see, and thanks, as always, for your support over all these years.
