Mind boggling Airbnb ideas to become reality in Australia

Mind boggling Airbnb ideas to become reality in Australia


From tens of thousands of entries from around the world, 100 aspiring designers, architects, and DIYers from 23 countries have been chosen to bring their crazy ideas to life and share in the US$10million OMG! Fund from Airbnb. And four of them are in Australia!

Sitemap for bubble on top of a mountain

The winning ideas stood out for their unique and inspiring design, sustainable consideration, and novel ways of offering immersive guest experiences. Recipients will each receive up to US$100,000 to make their fantastical creations possible.

Four Australians have won a share in the ‘OMG Fund’ and over the course of the next 10 months, will design, construct and outfit their dreams to be guest-ready by next summer. And here they are…

Eco-Igloo by Catherine W

The Eco-Igloo dome home will be built using 6,000 handmade aircrete bricks. Made up of four large domes which blend seamlessly into nature, the property is perfect for Aussie climates and it is a game changer to help more people achieve beautiful and affordable builds.

Luxury bubble on top of a mountain by Timothy H

Inspired by a sky full of stars and the power of reconnecting with nature, a stay in this luxury bubble will make you feel like you are floating on top of the world. Located a stone’s throw from the world-famous Wilsons Promontory National Park in Gippsland, Victoria, the bubble is also eco-friendly and sustainable, with the deck made out of recycled timber, and equipped with energy-saving appliances, low-flush toilets and low-flow showers using tank water.

Model of luxury bubble on top of a mountain

“My inspiration came after sleeping under the stars in a small tent when I was in France last year,” said Timothy. “The idea was to create an out of the ordinary, yet unique and accessible experience for guests. The result is a transparent bubble high up on a mountain top with 360-degree views of the night sky, fields and oceans below.” 

Kangaroom floating pod by Matt D

“We want to provide guests with a unique Aussie experience, to deliver a genuine connection to the landscape, and at the same time, inspire sustainable living and make eco-tourism mainstream,” said Matt from Melbourne on his Kangaroom floating pod idea. 

Model of Kangaroom

Utilising almost 80% glass to seamlessly connect guests with their natural surroundings, Kangaroom will be designed using modular pods to create a floating Airbnb stay situated on a kangaroo playground in Daylesford, Victoria. The property hosts an abundance of wildlife and will act as a ‘reverse zoo’ where guests reside in a comfortable and luxurious space, while being close to nature. The multi-level structure will levitate over panoramic views of the kangaroo habitat, leaving guests transformed with a new appreciation for the environment and empowered to make changes in their own lives for a sustainable future. 

Ultimate Airbnb on plane at an airfield by Mary C

After saving two Boeing 737 aircrafts from being scrapped, OMG! Fund recipient Mary dismantled and transported them to York, WA. Guests will be able to stay in one of these aircrafts at an airfield, while the other will be used as a tour experience. The aircraft will come with two en suites and can accommodate up to six guests. 

Concept of Ultimate Airbnb on Plane at an Airfield

Guests may find these unique homes available as part of Airbnb’s OMG! category in summer 2023.

See more from Airbnb OMG! range here

The post Mind boggling Airbnb ideas to become reality in Australia appeared first on The Interiors Addict.

