Keepsake Gift: T Shirt Memory Quilt

Keepsake Gift: T Shirt Memory Quilt


I’m very excited because a project I’ve been working on for years is complete! My kids are grown up now, they are 19 and 17, but in their youth each one participated in dozens of sporting events, camps, and performances. Each event came with its own T shirt and I’ve been saving them for years.

I had been storing shirts from their elementary school, their softball and soccer teams, my son’s martial arts, my daughters theater camps, and so many more. I saved those shirts, as well as some of their favorite character tees, with the intention of having them made into quilts. They arrived yesterday! These will be one of their Christmas gifts and I’m so excited for when they open them Christmas morning, they will be so surprised, and hopefully touched that their memories are preserved in a cozy blanket.

I had a T shirt memory quilt made for my stepdaughter five years ago when she graduated from college. She loved her quilt, so I continued the tradition for my two teens. I waited until my son was a senior in high school to have the quilts made for them.

I used the same company that I’ve used in the past, Project Repat does an excellent job with layout and creation of these quilts. Naturally with T shirts collected over the years you’ll have different colors and sizes but they make the process so easy.

You simple gather up the number of T shirts that fits the size you want then trim the fronts of the T shirts and mail them in preprinted label to their shop. I had mine within four weeks! They advertise it can take five to seven weeks so if you want one done by the holidays, move quickly and gather up those shirts!

The two quilts I ordered for my teens took four weeks from shipping them there to having them back on my doorstep ready to give as gifts.

This idea works for anyone who has a collection of T shirts over the years from hobbies or sporting events. This would also work for a collection of baby clothes too. Project Repat has six different sizes to choose from, and they’re handmade in the USA.


If you’re interested in having a T shirt quilt made for someone, send them to Project Repat to have a unique keepsake to give them for a birthday, graduation, Christmas, or another special occasion! 🙂
