Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Ask This Old House

Fall 2021, Build It Cooler Bench, Tom Silva and Kevin O’Connor toast the finished cooler bench


Fall 2021, Build It Cooler Bench, Tom Silva and Kevin O’Connor toast the finished cooler bench
Anthony Tieuli

Don’t miss a special 20th-anniversary episode of Ask This Old House, premiering on PBS and The Roku Channel this week.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the premiere of Ask This Old House. This Thursday, Jan. 20, the cast and crew of the Emmy Award-Winning series reflect on their memories made from the show, including what they’ve accomplished and what they think the legacy of the show will be in the years ahead.

Don’t miss cast interviews from your favorite Ask This Old House experts, including Kevin O’Connor, Tom Silva, Richard Trethewey, Jenn Nawada, Mark McCullough, Mauro Henrique, Ross Trethewey, Nathan Gilbert, Heath Eastman, and more.

Catch the 20th Anniversary special episode starting Thursday, Jan. 20 on PBS or the This Old House premium subscription channel on The Roku Channel. You can also stream it for free on TRC starting Jan. 24.

