9 Unique Wall Covering Ideas for Your Home

9 Unique Wall Covering Ideas for Your Home


Beyond the conventional paint and wallpaper, what else can be used to cover the walls of your home? We look at a few wall covering options so you can broaden your horizons for a more personalised space.

1. Cork

Not just a wine stopper, cork is a natural material that can also add a unique spin on your walls. We love them in home offices since they can double up as a pinboard, but they work just about everywhere. We wouldn’t recommend them for bathrooms though—the excessive moisture in those environments can lead to mildew and mould growth.

Design: The 80’s Studio

2. Raw Plywood

It used to be seen as a cheap, tacky material, but raw plywood is making a comeback on the walls of atas homes—in a big way. We can definitely see its appeal to minimalists or for folks who like the Muji style. Pair them with concrete and stainless steel surfaces for that pared-down look.

Design: Upstrs_

3. Copper Panels

Cladding your walls with copper panels is a great way to add a bit of old-world opulence. Copper tends to develop a green patina over time because of exposure to the air, which will change the look of your space entirely and add another dimension of beauty. It’s not for everybody though, so make sure you are comfortable with the look from this natural process of oxidation.

Design: Produce

4. Metal Hoarding Sheets

Looking to celebrate Singapore’s achievement as one of the busiest ports in the world? Now you can, by covering your walls with metal hoarding sheets so they look just like a shipping container. Definitely right up the street of industrial and urban styles.

Design: KNQ Associates

5. Old Building Materials

Embedding old bricks and concrete blocks into the wall is great way to convey a sense of history and old-school charm into your space. We love all the extra textures here, which contrast nicely with the sleek and modern door.

Design: Upstrs_

6. Drywall Texture

If you are after a more eccentric theme, or adopting a wabi-sabi philosophy like the home below, consider swapping out your plain walls for a drywall textured one. Wabi-sabi reveres the idea of beauty in imperfection, which the textured plaster wall essentially is.

Design: Fifth Avenue Interior

7. Upholstery

Similar to wallpaper, a fabric-covered wall opens up a realm of possibilities in terms of design. But it’s even sweeter with an upholstered wall since it offers a softer touch and extra swankiness. Use it as a tall headboard in the bedroom or a backing for a dining bench.

Design: SS+D

8. Stone Veneer

Bringing in a sense of nature isn’t too difficult with stone veneers. Made to look like real stones, this rock-solid option adds an extra dimension to your space without the troublesome upkeep. We love them in resort or coastal style homes, helping to blur the lines between the indoors and the outdoors.

Design: De Style Interior

9. Rattan

The rattan trend shows no signs of waning, which is good news because this classic look is incredibly stylish. They work well for casual looks, but they can also supplement texture in a more polished and high-end setting—so versatile!

Design: Uno Interior


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