8 Alternative Window Treatments for HDBs or Condos

8 Alternative Window Treatments for HDBs or Condos


When thinking about window treatments, we often think blinds and curtains are the be-all and end-all. But they sometimes just don’t cut it. Whether you are looking to add a quirky touch to your interiors or you are tired of the same old, same old, these alternative window treatments will get your home from blah to next-level chic. Let the curtains rise and the spectacle begin!

1. Wood Screen

Design: DS 2000 Interior & Design

This wood screen features a slated design, functioning as an extension of the living room feature wall. Made sliding, it can be moved back and forth across the window to provide shade and privacy where necessary.

2. Open Shelving

Design: Goy Architects

Need extra storage? Do up full-height open shelves as an alternative to curtains or blinds. No one’s going to say no to extra storage, plus the openness means you can still allow light and ventilation to pass through.

3. Curtain Cut-Out

Design: Produce

This home installed double-layered curtains for its communal areas, with one set of curtains more sheer and the other set providing more coverage and privacy. So as to better enjoy the breathtaking views, the front layer features a strategic circle “window” cut-out, resulting in a quirky window treatment.

4. Wooden Shutters


Wooden shutters are becoming a more popular alternative to blinds and curtains. They are the perfect accompaniment to the British colonial style but they are really versatile and will work with most interior design themes, including this modern resort style executive maisonette.

Wooden shutters work as an insulator against heat, with some shutters having adjustable louvres that allow the right amount of light and ventilation in. Choose from conventional folding ones, bi-fold or sliding systems.

5. Shoji Screens

Design: Sync Interior

If you’ve always wanted your home to look like the insides of a traditional Japanese inn, getting a shoji-like screen to front your vistas is one option. Conventionally, shoji screens are made using rice paper, which can be somewhat fragile. Go with acrylic screens as a backing to create a more durable window treatment.

6. Artwork

Design: SS+D

Use a framed piece of art in lieu of curtains or blinds like what this bedroom did—the greenery functioning as an exquisite backdrop. A single, thought-provoking one immediately steals attention and screams ‘focal point’ and will make the perfect conversation fodder for guests. Plus it won’t restrict too much of the view and the sun.

7. Plants

Design: Takenouchi Webb

Who needs blinds or curtains when you have air plants and climbers fronting your windows? Not only do they help to purify the air, they also blur the lines between the indoors and outdoors, offering up a relaxing environ you will want to stay in forever.

8. Metal Grille

Design: Free Space Intent

Commonplace in Singapore flats of the 60s and 70s, metal grilles with their intricate designs and geometric patterns are now refashioned as decorative pieces in today’s flats and they work superbly as an alternative window treatment, lending just that hint of retro and privacy. Plus, they make good deterrents against break-ins!


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