What Attracts Stink Bugs in Your House? Common Causes

What Attracts Stink Bugs in Your House? Common Causes


Shield bugs, also known as stink bugs, are household pests commonly found in homes all over the world. What attracts stink bugs in your house? It could be a light source, warmth, food, water, or a scent trail from other bugs. While stink bugs are an issue once they get through the door, these pests are usually harmful to outdoor gardens as they eat through different types of plants. Also, when disturbed, they let out an unpleasant smell. If you want to learn about stink bugs, the reason they’re in your home, and how to get rid of them, here’s all our research!

Causes of Stink Bug Infestation

What attracts stink bugs in your house? A stink bug invasion could happen for a couple of reasons including the fact that shield bugs are drawn to garden spaces, the seasons change, a home’s warmth and light can be attractive, and a scent trail can draw them into your home.

Climate and Weather Patterns

The amount of pests in and around your house is influenced by the changing seasons and weather patterns. Stink bugs, in particular, are attracted to warm environments which is why they may seek protection in your home during the winter. That being said, these pests thrive during spring and summer and will likely swarm your garden and find their way into your home through a crack in the window, an open door, or a fissure in the attic roof. The fact that your house offers protection could be what attracts stink bugs in your house when it rains or floods as well.

Access to Food and Shelter

Like other tiny brown bugs in the bathroom or kitchen, stink bugs are extremely drawn to food sources and shelter. These pests aren’t picky and eat a wide variety of plants, fruits, and vegetables. This means that they can eat anything from ornamental shrubs to the tomatoes or corn left on your kitchen counter.

Attraction to Lights

Another reason that stink bugs are in your home could be the light bulb in the hallway or outside in the garden. These pests could have been drawn to a light source which encouraged them to break into your home. Sheild bugs will also be attracted to outdoor lighting fixtures, and invade your garden. Learn how to choose the right lighting for your kitchen, opt for low-wattage lights outdoors, and dim the lights to prevent a stink bug infestation.

Signs of a Stink Bug Infestation

Based on our research, stink bug infestations can actually be pretty hard to spot but there are some suggestions and clues you can keep in mind to figure out if you have to get rid of this pest. You may find live or dead stink bugs around the house, smell a certain stench that they release when disturbed, spot fecal stains, or notice shed skin. After you’ve ticked off what attracts stink bugs in your house, here are the signs of an actual infestation:

Seeing Live or Dead Stink Bugs in or Around the House

You might see stink bugs flying or crawling around your house which means that you’ve got an infestation already. Of course, upon inspection, some shield bugs may already be dead but that doesn’t mean that the entire population’s dead too. Some stink bugs can hide in cracks in the wall or crevices in the attic which is why dead bugs are an indication that you need to double-check your house.

Foul Odor in the House

Another key indicator that you have these invasive insects in the area is a foul, potent odor. When disturbed, stink bugs emit a strong and often offensive smell that means they’re actively invading your home. Along with this stinky smell, you may notice feces, cast skin, or dead bugs that indicate an infestation in your personal space.

Damage to Plants or Crops

What attracts stink bugs in your house could be a certain plant, fruit, or vegetable. These invasive insects eat different types of fruit and vegetables as well as crops or plants in gardens all around the United States. Stink bugs are very common in vineyards, orchards, and gardens as they munch on buds, leaves, and fruit. Also, these pests can cause wilting, discoloration, and malformations in crops which ruins outdoor spaces and agricultural land. While stink bugs are a threat to the outdoors, if they get into your home they may use your indoor plants as a source of food as well.

Prevention and Control Measures

Now that you know what attracts stink bugs in your house, we can move on to pest control techniques and invasion prevention. To manage these invasive insects, we recommend sealing entry points, reducing unnecessary lighting in and outside of your house, using natural repellants, or using chemical solutions.

Sealing Entry Points

Properly sealing any potential entry points is a skill you need in order to keep the stink bug population at bay. Inspect your home for any gaps in your entryways, cracks in the wall, fissures in the window, or holes in the roof. Learn how to caulk like a professional, use weatherstripping, and seal any openings in vents, or in the foundation of your home. Trust us, when the conditions are right, no entry point is too small for these invasive insects!

Reducing Lighting Near the House

Lighting inside and around your home could be what attracts stink bugs in your house time and time again. Like other bugs, shield bugs will be drawn to lights which is why you can dim your indoor lights, keep unnecessary outdoor lights off, or choose light fixtures with lower wattage. You can also use yellow or orange lights or move lights farther away from your house so that the bugs aren’t tempted to make their way inside.

Use of Traps and Pesticides

With the widespread invasion of stink bugs in the U.S., it’s not all that surprising that there are a bunch of traps and pesticides formulated to trap and eliminate these pests. Some insecticides can be sprayed onto the pests but you can also choose a bait trap that has a stink-bug-attracting pheromone which can be what attracts stink bugs in your house but eliminate them. No matter which product you choose to solve your stink bug problem, do your research and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. This will keep you safe and effectively eliminate stink bugs.

Natural Remedies

If you prefer non-toxic or DIY solutions instead of a ready-made aerosol spray, we’ve got you covered. There are natural remedies that can effectively control stink bug populations. For instance, you can:

  • Let ladybugs in the house deal with the invasive insect. Ladybugs are natural predators and may be able to solve your shield bug infestation for you.
  • Use a peppermint or eucalyptus solution. These essential oils repel stink bugs well!
  • Plant marigolds or keep them in the house. These are pest-repelling plants that can protect your home from shield bugs.

These are just a few ways to deal with an infestation after you learn about what attracts stink bugs in your house.

captivates stink bugs in your house

Bottom Line: What Attracts Stink Bugs in Your House

There’s no one answer to what attracts stink bugs in your house because this includes warmth, light, food, and water sources. Homes that have a warm temperature are an ideal environment for stink bugs and they could have simply been drawn to your house because of the scent trails left behind by previous populations. If you have a stink bug invasion at hand, you can use chemical repellents, natural remedies, or traps, reduce the lighting in and around your home, and properly seal entryways. Remember that while you can learn about how to fix your smelly sink drain, you may just have a stink bug infestation! Now, you know what to do about it.

FAQs on Stink Bugs Attracted to Your House

What attracts stink bugs in your house?

What attracts stink bugs in your house could include a high internal temperature, an attractive light fixture, food, water, or a scent trail left behind by other shield bugs.

How do weather patterns and the climate affect stink bug infestations?

When the temperature drops, stink bugs will seek shelter in warmer places which is why they’ve wound up at your house. Also, stink bugs will thrive in warmer areas so they are more active outside when it’s spring or summer.

The post What Attracts Stink Bugs in Your House? Common Causes appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

