With more than 60,000 registered cultivars, it’s no wonder that daylilies are one of the most popular flowers around. However, all those choices can be daunting, especially if you’re not familiar with the different types.
Hemerocallis Stella de Oro’ daylily is a great choice for beginners and experts alike. This easy-to-grow perennial produces blooms year-round and has long dark green foliage. Plus, its fragrant blooms are sure to delight nighttime gardeners everywhere. Here is everything you need to know about the daylily plant.
How to Grow Stella de Oro’ Daylilies
Hemerocallis Stella de Oro’ daylily will thrive in almost any sunny location you choose to put it, including rocky, salty soils where few other plants survive. Keep it away in areas that get drenched with water, such as beneath roof overhangs. For best results, medium moisture, humusy, well-drained soil is ideal.

Stella d’Oro daylily is usually planted in the spring when the danger of frost has passed or in the early fall a month or so before the first frost. It’s best not to plant it in the heat of summer, although it’s sturdy that it generally survives almost any planting time.
Removing each flower stalk as the bloom fades will stimulate continued bloom in the early fall. You can remove the browned foliage before winter snows, or leave it in place as a protective mulch over winter, then remove it in the spring just as new growth appears.
Light Requirement
Hemerocallis Stella de Oro does best in a full sun location in most regions, but it will appreciate an afternoon shade in very warm southern climates.
Water Requirement
Once established, hemerocallis Stella de Oro is extremely drought tolerant, but for the first month or two, its roots grow slowly and need sufficient water during dry periods. For best results, plant in well drained soil. Consistent moisture produces the best flowering. If possible, water through ground level soaking rather than overhead sprinkling.
Soil Requirement
Hemerocallis Stella de Oro thrives in sandy, loose, well drained soil. Although it is adaptable to most not excessively heavy or poorly drained soils, optimal growth and flowering will be reduced when planted in such locations. It will also do fine in dry, rocky soils. It accepts a wide range of soil pH levels, from acidic to alkaline, so ensure you know how to test soil pH levels before you bring in your daylily.
Temperature and Humidity
Hemerocallis Stella de Oro can grow in all climate conditions through its hardiness range, USDA zones 3 to 10.
Fertilizer Requirement
Stella d’Oro will bloom best when fertilized in early spring, right before new growth begins. It should be given a slow-release granular fertilizer in the spring, then another immediately after the first major flowering period. A little extra help for Stella d’Oro can also come in organic mulch, but avoid fertilizing too much. It has a low tolerance for salt.
Propagating Stella de Oro’ Daylilies
When the plant looks crowded and is waning in vigor, or you want to propagate more plants, dig up the tuberous root clumps, split them apart by hand, and replant both parts. In spring or autumn, Stella d’Oro can also be propagated by dividing the thick fleshy roots with a sharp knife or spade. New plants will take time to settle into their new soil before flowering again. This is best done in fall or early spring.

Pruning Stella de Oro’ Daylily
The spent flower stems can be deadheaded to improve the plant’s overall appearance. The dead flower stalks, known as scapes, can be pulled once they’ve completely dried. In spring, you can clean up the leaves and stalks of last year to keep your bed tidy. Since these plants are repeat bloomers, you can also prune them as long as you know how to prune roses. The process is similar because roses are also repeat bloomers.

Pests and Diseases
Daylilies are generally pest and disease-free, and Stella d’Oro isn’t an exception. Mites, aphids, and thrips may occur but on a rare occasion. Slugs and snails may also leave their marks on your Stella de Oro. You can clear the ugly marks by learning how to control aphids on indoor houseplants.
The flower buds are tasty fodder for deer, especially during drought when other food sources may be unavailable. If excessive browsing is problematic, you can use repellent spray or a fence to protect the flower buds.
While the Daylily Rust fungus is of concern in southern states, it can be controlled by keeping your Stella de Oro clean. The rust fungus is powdery orange on the undersides of leaves, so if you discover this on your plant, snip it off and dispose of the clippings to prevent further spread.
Related Varieties
Many repeat-blooming daylily cultivars are available, some derived directly from Stella de Oro. Some of the best include:
Rosy Returns
These are rose-pink flowers with yellow centers. They are long-lasting and repeat bloom.
Happy Returns
These are pale yellow flowers that rebloom from early to late summer. They are fragrant, an attribute not often seen in daylilies, and they also repeat bloom.
Apricot Sparkles
These are warm apricot flowers that have golden throats. They have a light yet pleasant fragrance and repeat-bloom well.
Always Afternoon
These are creamy-white flowers with yellow throats. They have a very sweet fragrance and repeat bloom well, making them excellent cut flowers.
Dragon’s Eye
These are pastel pink flowers with dark red centers. They begin blooming in mid-summer.
Indian Giver
These are rich purple flowers with pale pink edges. They have a light fragrance and very showy, dark red-brown seed heads in the fall. ‘Indian Giver’ has an excellent track record for reblooming.
Purple de Oro ‘Dark Star’
These are lavender-purple flowers with an unusual dark brownish-red throat. They have a rich fragrance and repeat-bloom well, making them excellent cut flowers.
Landscape Uses
Stella de Oro Daylily is an excellent choice for borders or mass plantings, especially in sites where low maintenance and continuous flowering are desired.
They are excellent for cutting, and the large, showy orange-red flowers make good companions to autumn chrysanthemums. The root system is not invasive, and they grow from a single plant, so they do not require division either.
FAQS on Stella D’Oro Daylily Plant Profile
Does Stella de Oro’ spread?
Yes, Stella D’Oro daylily is a long season daylily that grows to about 10 to 12 inches and can spread as wide as 2 feet. This is beautiful and easy to care for. The flower is a great option to have along the front edge of your garden.
When can you transplant Stella de Oro?
You can transplant Stella D’Oro Daylily in early spring when the soil is still cool. Also, you should not transplant the plant during the hot summer months because it will have a difficult time adjusting. When you are planning to place your daylily into its permanent location, choose an area that gets full sun and then dig up the plant.
What kind of soil does daylily require?
When placing your Stella D’Oro Daylily into its new home, you should first mix some rich compost or peat moss with the ground. The ideal pH level for your flower is around 6.5 to 7.0, so you shouldn’t have to worry about making adjustments to the soil. The flowers will also need to be watered frequently, especially during hot summer days, but you should try not to overwater them.
Final Thought on Stella D’Oro’ Daylily Plant Profile
As you can see, Stella de Oro Daylily is a very easy plant to take care of, and it is worth planting if you’re an avid gardener. The plant looks great in your backyard, so you won’t have to worry about it not standing out. Plus, the vibrant yellow color will surely brighten up any area. As long as you remember to water it consistently and give it plenty of sunshine, you’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful flowers for months on end.
The post Stella de Oro’ Daylily Plant Profile appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.