Solving the Mystery of RV Toilet Bubbles When Flushed

A RV toilet with bubbles coming out of it


Have you ever encountered mysterious bubbles when flushing your RV toilet? It can be quite the enigma, and if left unresolved, it may lead to unpleasant odors and even plumbing issues down the road. Fear not! We’re here to unravel this perplexing phenomenon known as “rv toilet bubbles when flushed” and guide you through practical solutions to ensure your RV toilet remains bubble-free.

Key Takeaways

  • Common causes of RV toilet bubbles include a full black water tank, blocked drain pipe, blocked black tank vent and malfunctioning vacuum breaker.
  • Regularly emptying the black water tank, cleaning the vent and replacing the vacuum breaker can help prevent bubbling issues.
  • Preventive maintenance such as regular tank cleaning with appropriate chemicals and adhering to flushing guidelines is essential for a bubble-free RV toilet experience.

Common Causes of RV Toilet Bubbles

A RV toilet with bubbles coming out of it

Understanding the root causes of these pesky bubbles is the first step before looking into solutions. While a full black water tank is the most likely culprit behind RV toilet burps, other potential causes include:

  • a blocked drain pipe
  • a blocked black tank vent
  • a malfunctioning vacuum breaker
  • debris piled up in the bottom of the RV black water tank

Tackling the issue of toilet bubbles and preventing future occurrences of toilet bubbles when flushed begins with identifying the source of the problem.

Understanding these causes, exploring how they contribute to the bubbling RV toilet dilemma, and ultimately, learning how to prevent RV toilet bubbles from occurring in the first place is key.

Bubbles in Toilet

When you encounter bubbles in toilet, it’s essential to understand that this phenomenon can be attributed to various factors. One common cause is air trapped in the plumbing system. This trapped air can create bubbles as water flows through the pipes, leading to a somewhat unusual sight in the toilet bowl. Additionally, issues with the sewer line or septic tank can also result in bubbles appearing in the toilet.

Blocked Drain Pipe

A clogged drain pipe is one common cause of bubbling in RV toilets. This blockage can occur due to solid waste or an excessive amount of toilet paper. Inappropriate RV toilet habits, such as flushing cat litter or solid waste residue, can also result in a clogged drain pipe. The drain pipe links the toilet’s drain to the RV black tank, so when it becomes clogged, the normal flow of waste is disrupted, leading to bubbling in the toilet bowl.

Using a multi-directional water nozzle or a high-pressure water spray can clear a clogged drain pipe. However, being mindful of what goes down your RV toilet is the key to preventing blocked drain pipes and ensuring a smooth, bubble-free experience.

Full Black Water Tank

A full black water tank is another likely cause of RV toilet bubbles. When the tank is full, the waste has no outlet and begins to back up into the RV, causing bubbles to form during flushing. To prevent this issue, it’s crucial to regularly empty the black water tank and use appropriate septic unclogging chemicals.

Draining a full black water tank involves the following steps:

  1. Find a dumping station.
  2. Securely attach the sewer hose to the tank.
  3. Gently pull open the black water tank valve to release the waste from the toilet.
  4. Repeat this process if necessary until the tank is emptied.

Maintaining a regular emptying schedule will help avoid a full black water tank, keeping your RV toilet bubble-free.

Blocked Black Tank Vent

A blocked vent in the black water tank can also lead to bubbles in the RV toilet. The vent is responsible for allowing air to escape, so when it’s obstructed by animals, leaves, or other debris, the normal flow of air is disrupted. This results in a burping or bubbling sensation when the toilet is flushed, as the pressure from the tank is released through the flush valve instead of the vent pipe.

Resolving this issue involves inspecting the vent for any obstructions and removing them. This might include clearing out any material or nests and sanitizing the vent. Regular check-ups and cleaning of the black tank vent will ensure proper airflow and prevent your RV toilet from creating bubbles.

Malfunctioning Vacuum Breaker

The vacuum breaker is another component of the RV toilet system that, when malfunctioning, can lead to an issue where the RV toilet produces bubbles during flushing. Its purpose is to prevent water from being drawn backward. If the vacuum breaker is not functioning correctly, dirty water may flow back, causing bubbles to form.

If you suspect your vacuum breaker is broken, replacing it without delay is a good idea. This will not only resolve the bubbling issue, but also prevent other potential malfunctions within your RV toilet system. Keeping the vacuum breaker in good working order is essential for a smooth, bubble-free RV toilet experience.

Soap Bubbles Coming Out of Toilet

If you’re experiencing the unusual issue of soap bubbles coming out of toilet, it’s essential to address it promptly to prevent any potential plumbing problems. Soap bubbles in the toilet can indicate a few different issues, but the most common cause is a blockage in your sewer line. This blockage can trap air, causing bubbles to rise up through the water in the toilet bowl. To resolve this, it’s advisable to contact a professional plumber who can inspect and clear the blockage efficiently. Delaying action may lead to more significant plumbing problems down the line, so it’s best to tackle the issue as soon as possible.

How to Fix Your Bubbling RV Toilet

A person cleaning a clogged drain pipe


Now that we’ve explored the common causes of RV toilet bubbles, let’s discuss how to fix these issues. The key is to identify the source of the problem and then apply the appropriate solution. By doing so, you’ll ensure your RV toilet remains free from those pesky bubbles when flushed.

Detailed instructions for resolving each of the causes mentioned earlier, from clearing a clogged drain pipe to replacing a malfunctioning vacuum breaker, will be provided in the following sections. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a trouble-free RV toilet experience.

Clearing the Drain Pipe

As mentioned earlier, a clogged drain pipe can lead to bubbling in your RV toilet. To unclog the drain pipe, you have several options:

  1. Use a plunger: Insert it into the drain pipe and pump it up and down to create suction and dislodge the blockage.
  2. Use an auger: Insert it into the drain pipe and twist it to break up the blockage.
  3. If these methods don’t work, you may need to disassemble the drain pipe and manually remove the blockage.

Regardless of the method you choose, preventing future clogs involves being mindful of what goes down your RV toilet. Avoiding the flushing of excessive toilet paper or solid waste will help prevent blockages and maintain a bubble-free RV toilet.

Emptying the Black Water Tank

As previously discussed, a full black water tank can cause bubbles during flushing. To resolve this issue, you’ll need to empty the tank. Here’s how:

  1. Locate a dumping station and securely attach the sewer hose to the black water tank.
  2. Gently pull the black water tank valve open to release the waste from the toilet.
  3. You may need to repeat this process until the tank is emptied.

Establishing a regular emptying schedule for your black water tank is crucial to preventing future bubbling issues. This ensures that your RV toilet remains free of bubbles and operates smoothly.

Cleaning the Black Tank Vent

If your RV toilet is bubbling due to a blocked black tank vent, you’ll need to inspect and clean the vent to allow proper airflow. The vent is typically located on the roof of the RV, so you’ll need to access it safely. Once you’ve located the vent, check for any obstructions, such as leaves, animal nests, or other debris, and remove them.

You can clean the vent using a pressurized water sprayer. Alternatively, you can attach a snaking hose to a water supply for this purpose. Regularly checking and cleaning the black tank vent will ensure proper airflow and help prevent your RV toilet from bubbling.

Toilet Bubbling When Shower Drains Septic

If you’ve noticed your toilet bubbling when shower drains septic, it’s essential to address this issue promptly to prevent potential plumbing problems and ensure your septic system functions correctly. This phenomenon typically occurs due to a disruption in the airflow within your plumbing system. When wastewater from your shower enters the septic tank, it displaces air inside the tank, and if the air cannot escape properly, it can force air back up through the toilet, resulting in those telltale bubbles. To resolve this issue, you may need to inspect your plumbing for blockages, ensure proper venting, and consider professional assistance if the problem persists.

Replacing the Vacuum Breaker

If your RV toilet is experiencing bubbles due to a malfunctioning vacuum breaker or toilet valve, you’ll need to replace it. First, check the vacuum breaker for signs of corrosion or damage. If it’s non-removable, also look for a set screw.

To replace the vacuum breaker, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the water supply.
  2. Use a pipe wrench to support the spigot and another wrench to unscrew the vacuum breaker. If it unscrews, remove the breaker.
  3. If the vacuum breaker is non-removable, carefully cut out the set screw and remove the vacuum breaker.
  4. Replace the vacuum breaker with a new one.
  5. Screw the new vacuum breaker into place.

Replacing the malfunctioning vacuum breaker will help resolve the bubbling issue and prevent other potential issues within your RV toilet system.

Preventive Maintenance for a Bubble-Free RV Toilet

A person cleaning a black water tank

To keep your RV toilet free of bubbles and functioning smoothly, it’s important to practice preventive maintenance. Proper care and attention to your RV toilet system will not only save you time and effort in the long run, but also ensure a more enjoyable RV experience.

The following sections will share tips and best practices for maintaining your RV toilet system, which includes regular tank cleaning, proper chemical use, and flushing guidelines. By adhering to these practices, you’ll minimize the chances of encountering bubbling issues with your RV toilet.

Regular Tank Cleaning

A person using a cleaning brush to clean an RV toilet that produces bubbles when flushed due to rv toilet bubbles when flushed issue.

Regular cleaning of your black water tank is crucial to prevent clogs and buildup that can lead to bubbling issues. To clean the tank, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug any electrical equipment, such as heaters and filters.
  2. Remove any decorations or accessories from the tank.
  3. Scrub the interior of the tank with a brush or sponge to eliminate algae and debris.

Next, rinse the decorations and accessories with water to remove any dirt or grime. Clean the hood, light, and outside of the tank with a damp cloth. Replace the water in the tank, treating it with a water conditioner if necessary.

Finally, plug in the electrical equipment and turn it back on. Regular monitoring for algae and cleaning it off before it becomes a problem will help maintain a bubble-free RV toilet.

Proper Chemical Use

Using the right chemicals in your RV toilet system, especially those designed specifically for RV toilets, can also help prevent bubbling issues. These treatments can help keep your holding tank clean and free from odors. Avoid using harsh chemicals, such as:

  • Drano
  • bleach
  • muriatic acid
  • other caustic substances

When treating your RV’s tanks.

By using appropriate chemicals and treatments, you’ll ensure the proper functioning of your RV toilet system while avoiding potential damage from harsh chemicals. This will ultimately help maintain a bubble-free RV toilet.

Flushing Guidelines

Adherence to proper flushing guidelines can significantly reduce the likelihood of clogs and bubbles in your RV toilet. Use between 2 to 4 liters (1/2 to 1 gallon) of water per flush, depending on the model and make of your RV. Only flush toilet paper and waste down the toilet, avoiding items such as feminine hygiene products, paper towels, facial tissues, diapers, and wipes.

By following these flushing guidelines, you’ll minimize the risk of clogs and buildup in your RV toilet system, ultimately preventing those pesky bubbles from forming when you flush.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you’ve tried all the solutions and preventive maintenance tips mentioned above but still encounter bubbling issues with your RV toilet, it may be time to seek professional help. Persistent bubbling could indicate an underlying issue that requires expert attention. An intense smell emanating from the toilet or black water tank, or a lack of sound or movement when draining the tank, may also be indicative of a problem.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for inspection and assistance if you’re unable to determine the cause of your RV toilet bubbles. They can help identify and resolve the issue, ensuring your RV toilet returns to its optimal, bubble-free state.


In conclusion, solving the mystery of RV toilet bubbles when flushed involves understanding the common causes, applying appropriate solutions, and practicing preventive maintenance. By following the tips and guidelines shared in this blog post, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any bubbling issues that may arise in your RV toilet system. So, say goodbye to those pesky bubbles and start enjoying a smooth, trouble-free RV toilet experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fix a toilet that bubbles gurgles when flushed?

To fix a toilet that bubbles and gurgles when flushed, try pouring a toilet bowl cleaning solution or diluted bleach into the bowl to sanitize. Additionally, plunge and snake any nearby tubs and sinks to remove any potential blockages.

If the bubbling persists, check the vent stack or contact a plumber for further assistance.

Why does my RV toilet burp when flushed?

It looks like your RV toilet is letting you know it’s time to dump the black tank; if you’ve recently done that, then you may have a poop pyramid below the toilet which needs some extra flushing.

To ensure your RV toilet is working properly, you’ll need to flush the poop pyramid out of the tank. This can be done by adding a few gallons of water to the tank and then flushing it out. You may need to repeat this process a few times to ensure the pyramid is completely gone.

What are the most common causes of RV toilet bubbles?

The most common causes of RV toilet bubbles are a full black water tank, blocked drain pipe, blocked black tank vent, and malfunctioning vacuum breaker.

These issues can be easily identified and fixed with the right tools and knowledge. For example, a full black water tank can be emptied with a sewer hose, and a blocked drain pipe can be cleared with a plumbing snake. A blocked black tank.

How can I unclog a blocked drain pipe in my RV toilet?

Using a plunger, auger or disassembling the drain pipe and manually removing the blockage are effective ways to unclog a blocked RV toilet drain pipe.

How often should I clean my black water tank?

To keep your black water tank running smoothly, clean it regularly and monitor for algae buildup.

Cleaning frequency may vary depending on usage.

The post Solving the Mystery of RV Toilet Bubbles When Flushed appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.
