Lamb’s Ear

Growing Lamb's Ear: How To Plant Lamb's Ears


Lambs ear is a beautiful, soft plant that has many benefits for your home and health. It is easy to grow and can be found at most stores. However, there are some things you should know before using it in your home.

This article will answer all of your questions about this wonderful plant. Let’s get started. 

What is a lamb’s ear?

Lamb’s ear is a soft, fuzzy plant that has many uses. It can be used to make tea, as well as for other uses in your home. Lambs’ ear originally comes from Asia. However, because it was found to be so beneficial for one’s home, it can now be found worldwide. The plant is a perennial and will come back year after year if you keep it alive. 

In addition to being found in your home, you can also find it growing outside. Lamb’s ear is used for many purposes, including keeping cattle cool and as a way to help them eat more grass.

So, now that we know some things about what the lamb’s ear plant is, let’s learn how you can use it.

Growing Lamb's Ear: How To Plant Lamb's Ears

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How can I use lambs ear in my house?

First of all, if you want to grow this plant on your own (or keep it alive), make sure you do not overwater it. If the soil is soaked and there are water droplets sitting on the leaves or stems of this plant, make sure you drain any excess water off of it immediately. This will prevent root rot and other common problems that can come with keeping this plant alive.

If you are using the leaves, stems, or flowers of this plant, there are some simple things you can do to enjoy them in your home. First of all, you can use them as a natural air freshener. Crush up the leaves and stems and put them on top of an air vent so they will blow out into your living space. This will make it smell wonderful. You can also rub the crushed leaves directly on your skin for a nice, soothing massage. If you have chickenpox, boils, or blisters on your skin, the wax inside of the lamb’s ears leaf will help ease the itching and speed up healing time.

You can dry out these parts of the plant and make a lovely, natural air freshener. A great idea is to take the leaves, flowers, or stems of this plant and put them in a container with some sand. Then put the sand on top of a solid surface that can hold lots of weight. Place something heavy on top of this sand so it will crush the lamb’s ear parts inside. After some time has passed, you can remove the container from under your object and enjoy your sweet-smelling house.

Caring for lambs ear

Caring for and controlling lambs’ ears is easy. If you want to keep this plant alive and help it grow, make sure that it is sunny and dry for most of the day. If you live in an area where there tends to be a lot of rain or humidity, make sure you place this plant close to a window where it won’t get too wet. Ideally, it should also have indirect sunlight on it.

If all goes well with your plant, you should see some pink flowers appear. The blooming time will depend on the climate and weather of your area (in other words, how hot/humid/cold your summers are). To see these beautiful little flowers bloom, simply pinch off their buds before they have a chance to bloom. This will cause them to grow into bigger plants with more leaves. They can turn into beautiful ground covers. The flowers will attract bees and butterflies to your garden as well.

If there is a particular place where you like to put all of your plants, make sure that the soil in this area is moist and has lots of nutrients for the lamb’s ear to grow. This plant thrives best in places where there are rich soils and plenty of water. This will ensure optimal growth and health for your plant.

If you want to grow more lambs’ ears around your home, try planting them along pathways or somewhere they can easily be seen by visitors. They will add a nice pop of color wherever you decide to plant them.

Flowers that love the shade

While lambs ear is known to grow best in areas with some level of sunshine, some varieties of plants can grow well in shady spaces. If you live somewhere where the summers are hot and humid, or if you have a lot of really shady areas at your home or business, these plants will do even better. Make sure it gets some water though because they still need to be watered every couple of days.

Some shade-loving flowers to consider adding to your garden are Lady Slippers, Anemone, Bellflower, Coral Bells, and Ferns. They all love the shade.

Lambs Ear - Calloway's Nursery

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 Final thoughts on lambs ear 

In conclusion, lamb’s ear can be pleasing to the eye and have a variety of uses. They can be planted in a border or used as a ground cover, while also being useful for erosion control around ponds and other water features. As a bonus, it is very deer resistant. So if you are looking for something to add some softness to your landscape, look no further than lamb’s ear.

The post Lamb’s Ear appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.
