How To Remove Stains From White Marble

How To Remove Stains From White Marble


It’s no secret that marble is a beautiful, natural stone that can add an elegant touch to any room in your home. However, if it’s not cared for properly, marble can be stained, leaving unsightly marks on its surface. In this article, we’ll show you seven steps to remove any type of stain from white marble. Here’s all you need to know. 

Steps To Removing Stains From White Marble

First, removing stains starts with understanding what caused the stain. Different materials can cause different types of stains, and each type may require a different method of removal when removing these stains from marble.

  • Water Stains: Removing hard water stains from marble can be difficult, but it is possible. You will need a mild cleaner such as dish soap or liquid hand soap, a soft cloth, and some elbow grease. Simply mix the mild cleaner with water and then use the soft cloth to scrub the stain in a circular motion until it starts to lift. Moreover, hard water causes stains in a variety of other elements. Whether it’s removing hard water stains from windows at home or removing hard water stains from glass shower doors, the process is similar. For water stains, you’ll need a mild abrasive and some elbow grease.
  • Oil Stains: If cooking oil has left its mark on your marble surface, don’t worry, it can be removed! The key is to act quickly and use the right products. Also, consider using a poultice to draw the oil out of the marble.
  • Rust Stains: If you’ve got rust stains on your white marble, there’s no need to panic! There are a few household items that can help remove rust stains, including lemon juice and vinegar.
  • Dirt and Grime: For general dirt and grime, you can use mild soap and warm water. Be sure to rinse the area well afterward.
  • Juice and Wine Stains: A mix of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap is a great way to remove these types of stains from white marble.
  • Yellow stains: Removing yellow stains from white marble requires the use of a bleaching agent. You can make a paste using lemon juice and salt or you can purchase a commercial bleach specifically designed for natural stone.

Marble Vs Granite Stains

Granite is more porous than marble, meaning that it is more likely to absorb liquids and be stained as a result. However, both materials can be susceptible to staining if they are not properly sealed. Removing stains from marble is similar to removing them from granite, but there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind.

1. Blot The Stain With A Clean, Dry Cloth To Remove Any Excess Liquid.

The first step in removing a stain from marble is to blot the excess liquid with a clean, dry cloth. This will help to prevent the stain from spreading and getting worse.

2. Apply A Poultice To The Stain.

A poultice is a paste that is used to draw out stains from porous surfaces. To make a poultice, mix equal parts flour and water until it forms a thick paste.

3. Cover The Poultice With A Layer Of Plastic Wrap And Tape It In Place.

After applying the poultice to the stained area, cover it with a layer of plastic wrap. This will help to keep the poultice in place and prevent it from drying out too quickly.

4. Allow The Poultice To Sit For 24-48 Hours.

Once the poultice is in place, allow it to sit for 24-48 hours. This will give it time to work on drawing the stain out of the marble. 5. Remove the poultice and rinse the area with water. After the poultice has had time to work, remove it and rinse the area with water. You may need to repeat steps 2-5 several times before the stain is completely removed.

What Type Of Granite Elements Can Become Stained?

Granite is a porous stone, which means that it can absorb liquids and be stained as a result. From having to remove stains from granite countertops to dealing with granite floor stains, it’s important to know how to clean granite and which cleaning products are safe to use. There are a few different types of granite stains, including:

  • Oil stains
  • Coffee stains
  • Wine stains
  • Ink stains

Knowing how to clean each type of stain is important to keep your granite surfaces looking their best.

How To Remove Stains From White Marble – FAQ

How Do I Remove A Stain From My White Marble?

You can use a poultice to remove the stain. First, make a paste of equal parts flour and water. Apply the paste to the stained area and cover it with a piece of plastic wrap. Let it sit for 24 hours, then remove the plastic and wipe away the paste. If the stain is still there, repeat the process.

What Should I Do If I Accidentally Dropped Something On My White Marble floor?

If you have a small chip or crack, you can try to repair it yourself with a white marble repair kit. For bigger cracks or chips, you will need to call in a professional.

Final Thoughts On How To Remove Stains From White Marble

In conclusion, there are a few different ways that you can go about removing stains from your white marble surface. You can use a poultice, which is effective for removing deep-seated stains, or you can try one of the home remedies listed above. If all else fails, you can always call in a professional to help you clean your white marble surfaces.

The post How To Remove Stains From White Marble appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.
