How To Grow Sweet Potatoes In The Home Garden

Growing Sweet Potatoes - How To Grow Sweet Potatoes


Sweet potatoes are a delicious vegetable that can be grown in many different climates, but they’re especially easy to grow in the home garden. Growing sweet potatoes at home is an inexpensive way to have fresh produce available all summer long. And because the plants thrive on the same type of soil as most other vegetables, you won’t need any special tools or expertise for growing your sweet potatoes.

In this article, you’ll learn how to grow sweet potatoes in your backyard garden. We’ll talk about planting them from seedlings or by planting the seeds directly into the ground, and we’ll give you some tips on how to keep your soil moist while growing sweet potatoes. Let’s dive deep into this topic. 

Growing Sweet Potatoes - How To Grow Sweet Potatoes

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Why Sweet potatoes are a great crop to grow

You may have seen sweet potatoes at a vegetable market, but never seen them growing in a garden. The reason for this might be that usually these types of tubers are grown in the ground since they are very large plants that can quickly take up a lot of space. If you have plenty of area for your sweet potato plants to spread out and grow roots, then they’re an excellent choice for your backyard garden. They thrive on the same type of soil as many other vegetables which means they won’t need any special tools or expertise to grow. And best yet, they are incredibly easy to grow at home.

Growing Sweet Potatoes from seedlings or by planting seeds

Sweet potatoes are grown by planting either seedling or by planting the seeds directly into the ground. Growing sweet potatoes from seedlings allows you to get a head start on the growing season and will produce mature roots within 90 days.

Planting sweet potatoes from seeds is another excellent way to grow these delicious vegetables in the home garden. These types of root crops can produce roots within a similar time frame and will be ready for harvest anywhere between 120-150 days (depending on the variety). 

No matter whether or not you decide to plant seedlings or directly into the soil, you’ll need to follow some basic steps before successfully growing your sweet potato crops. 

1) Soil: Sweet potatoes like to grow in a well-draining, sandy, or loamy soil that is rich in organic matter. They also prefer soil that has a slightly acidic pH level – somewhere between 5.5 and 6.8 will be perfect for growing sweet potatoes. Keep the soil around your sweet potato plants well-watered but not completely wet to ensure a healthy harvest later in summer.

2) Temperature: Sweet potatoes thrive best when the soil temperatures are between 65 and 75 degrees F during the day and no less than 45 degrees at night. If you’re planning on planting from seedlings, make sure to keep them inside until all danger of frost has passed as they cannot tolerate freezing temperatures.

3) Planting depth: When planting directly into your garden bed, ensure that the soil is at least 6 inches deep so your sweet potato roots can spread out and grow large. If you’re planting seedlings, dig a hole about 4-6 inches deep and place the plant inside of it before filling up with dirt. Ensure that the crown of your seedling (where the stem meets the root) is just at or above ground level.

4) Sunlight: While sweet potatoes can grow in shade, they need to be planted with at least six hours of sunlight per day to produce high yields. If planting from seedlings, make sure they are placed in an area where they will receive plenty of light throughout their growing season.

5) Watering: During periods when it’s not raining, keep the soil moist but not soggy. Make sure to water your sweet potatoes deeply and slowly so that their roots can absorb as much water as possible. If you’re experiencing a drought this summer, you may need to provide additional water for your crops via a watering can or sprinkler.

Keeping Your Soil Moist while Growing Sweet Potatoes

One of the most common problems gardeners face is how to maintain soil moisture levels throughout the growing season. Sweet potatoes are no different – they require moist (but not soggy) soil to grow healthy crops with high yields. Because these root vegetables will be growing in your backyard garden, it’s up to you to make sure they receive enough water throughout their growth cycle.

Another reason to ensure that the soil around your sweet potatoes isn’t too dry is that both wilted plants and dried-up roots can attract beetles, snails, slugs, and other pests which will eat the leaves of your sweet potato plants. Not exactly what you want in your garden so keep an eye out for any signs of pest damage.

How To Grow Sweet Potato Plants In Pots

When it comes to which type of pot you should use for planting, any container around 25 gallons will be sufficient. Sweet potato crops prefer a well-draining soil mixture and prefer being left alone once planted – no need to add any fertilizers or pesticides as they naturally resist many common pests and diseases. Keep them watered every couple of days by watering from the top until excess water drips out the bottom. Ensure not to overwater your plants or leave them sitting in water to avoid root rot.

How to grow sweet potatoes: Top tips and advice for your vegetable patch |

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Growing sweet potato plants in pots is a great way to successfully grow these root vegetables in the home garden.

Twice-Baked Sweet Potato With Feta Recipe

After growing all that hard work, what’s the best way to reward yourself for your efforts? How about with a delicious meal sweet potatoes are known for – twice-baked sweet potatoes. These sweet potatoes are stuffed with protein-rich feta cheese along with other tasty ingredients like brown sugar, thyme, and cinnamon.

These twice-baked sweet potato recipes are simple to prepare and can be served as a healthy side dish, along with the main course.

Final thoughts on how to grow sweet potatoes in the home garden

In conclusion, growing sweet potatoes in the home garden is a rewarding and delicious experience. With a bit of hard work, your efforts will pay off with a bountiful harvest once summer comes around. Remember to plan out where you’ll be planting before purchasing any seedlings or seeds – soil preparation and sunlight requirements are important factors for growing healthy crops.

The post How To Grow Sweet Potatoes In The Home Garden appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.
