Mold is a fungus that grows in damp, dark places. It can grow on virtually any surface and it thrives in warm, humid environments. Although mold doesn’t usually cause health problems for people with healthy immune systems, it can be very dangerous to anyone who already has impaired immunity or allergies because of the toxins they produce.
In this article, you will find out what the symptoms are if you have mold in your house, how to clean it up, and what you can do to prevent it so that your home remains mold-free. Let’s dive deep into this topic.
How to get rid of mold
To remove mold from your house there are several steps you must take.
1. Clean up any moldy surfaces with a mixture of water and bleach
By mixing water and bleach you can kill mold on contact. If your symptoms of mold exposure are minor then this will probably be adequate to clean the affected areas. However, if symptoms persist or become more severe then consider contacting a professional service for help cleaning up all of the affected surfaces.
2. Remove all porous materials, including drywall, insulation, carpeting, vinyl flooring
To prevent further occurrence it’s important not only to remove the surface mold but also any moldy porous materials that were near the area where mold occurred. This ensures that no spores have been left behind growing undetected causing problems later down the road. Carpeting is particularly vulnerable to hidden pockets of moisture which cause mold to grow behind it. If you have carpeting in your house, particularly under furniture, then this should be removed and replaced as part of thorough cleaning after a mold outbreak has occurred.
3. Open windows to improve air circulation in the room for at least 24 hours before replacing anything that was removed
In addition to removing all porous materials from an area where there is mold caused by water damage, opening windows will allow new, dry air into the space which helps reduce spores from spreading further. Fresh outdoor air can be exchanged for indoor stale air with a window or door left open overnight. This process will also help remove any harmful gases that may have developed on surfaces where mold occurred.
4. Replace any missing or damaged sealant around doors and windows
To prevent moisture from entering your home or building where mold is being removed it’s important to replace any broken or missing sealant around doors, windows, vents, etc. This helps keep out moisture which can cause future mold growth.
5. Seal off the area from future moisture by installing new drywall or other appropriate material over affected areas
Once surfaces have been cleaned and all porous materials have been replaced then it’s time to seal the space off against any future water damage. To do this you will need help from a professional because if done incorrectly there could be negative consequences for occupants’ health as well as further problems with dampness in the environment caused by condensation buildup on cold surfaces because they are still damp from cleaning.
How to Recognize Mold
There are more than 100,000 species of mold that have been identified. If you see or smell mold in your home, don’t panic. It could be a common household type that isn’t dangerous to humans. However, some types of mold can cause health problems for everyone involved.
It’s not always easy to recognize the difference between harmless types of mold and dangerous molds, but there are tell-tale signs:
1. Visible Mold Growth
Common household molds may cover large areas, especially if they’re growing on wet materials like wood or drywall. They will often appear as spots spread across floors, walls, and ceilings; they tend to grow along the floorboards or in the corners of a room.
2. Visible Mold Spores
Mold spores are microscopic and come in many different colors, including black, red, green, and brown. Although most will be harmless molds, some types—such as Aspergillus—are carcinogenic. One way they can be identified is with a special microscope called a spore trap that can distinguish between common household mold and toxic varieties. If you see powdery black or green deposits on your surfaces with visible mold growth, it’s important to have an expert examine the material to determine if it contains dangerous spores from things like Aspergillus or Stachybotrys chartarum (sometimes referred to as ‘black mold’). Inhaling even a few of these spores can cause serious respiratory problems.
3. Musty Smell
If you have a mold problem in your home, there’s probably an underlying moisture issue. Signs of excess moisture include damp walls, peeling wallpaper, and discolored grout or carpeting. As the mold grows, it produces a musty smell that gets stronger as more spores are released into the air to be inhaled by people in the house.
4. Respiratory Symptoms
Common symptoms include persistent coughing, congestion, eye irritation, and wheezing especially among those with nasal allergies or asthma. If you notice any respiratory symptoms but don’t know their cause, call your doctor immediately—you may need to get checked for other infections or viruses.
5. Behavioral Changes
A growing body of research indicates that mold can adversely affect people’s behavior and ability to focus and learn. One such study found that children exposed to high levels of toxic mold at home or in daycare centers displayed symptoms like frequent colds, short attention spans, and behavioral problems at school. If any member of your family is experiencing these types of symptoms, ask your doctor if it could be related to a mold problem in the house.
6. Allergic Reactions
Every year thousands of mold allergies are diagnosed by doctors, many caused by indoor exposure via inhalation or skin contact with spores outside the home. Mold allergy symptoms include an itchy, persistent cough; wheezing; watery, red, or swollen eyes; shortness of breath; and difficulty breathing. If an allergy test shows that you’re allergic to mold, it’s important to take steps to remove it from your home.
7. Allergic Asthma
Mold can cause asthma symptoms in people who are already prone to respiratory allergies, but there is no concrete evidence showing that exposure worsens existing asthma symptoms. However, even if you don’t have asthma now, exposing yourself to toxic molds can lead to irritant-induced asthma, which requires more serious treatment than common cases do.
The difference between mold and moss
The easiest way to tell the difference between mold and moss is that mold grows above ground and tends to be darker in color. Moss, on the other hand, loves damp areas like rocks or wood and forms patches close to the ground. If you see dark green spots growing along your home’s foundation, it could be a moss infestation.
If you want to get rid of moss, choose a moss killer with ferrous sulfate or copper sulfate as its active ingredient (you can find it at garden supply centers). To apply the chemical, first, use a liquid detergent to remove dirt on the surface of your house. Dig up any stubborn patches using a trowel before spraying with the chemical solution or painting it onto rocks and green growths.
Be sure to wear protective clothing and goggles for this part.
After applying the moss killer, cover the area with bark mulch or stones to keep weeds from growing and re-infesting your house. You may need to apply a second treatment in about two months if moss is particularly persistent.
Here are some things to look out for when determining if you’re dealing with moss or mold:
1) Mold is typically dark in color (blue-green, black, brown), has a fuzzy appearance, and smells musty. Moss is typically light green (sometimes yellowish), does not have a fuzzy texture, and smells like grass when it’s wet.
2) Moss grows only on the ground while mold can grow both above or below ground level on just about any surface indoors or outdoors.
3) Mold tends to spread more quickly than moss does since the mold has roots while moss does not.
4) Moss requires dampness to thrive whereas mold can grow without any moisture, although some types cannot even survive if their environment loses its water content.
How can I get rid of mold in the shower caulk?
If you want to get rid of mold in the shower caulk, you will need to remove the caulk around your shower. Once you have removed all of the old caulk, mix equal parts bleach and water. Apply the solution to the caulking with a sponge and allow it to dry overnight. The next day, reapply a new layer of caulk along the base of your shower and let that dry for about 48 hours before using your shower again.
How do you get rid of mold on the bathroom ceiling?
If you want to remove mold from your bathroom ceiling, use an alkaline product such as ammonia or vinegar mixed with warm water. You can also use Lysol or bleach diluted in water if neither of those options works. Once you have applied the solution to the mold, cover it with a cloth and let it sit overnight. In the morning, wipe away all of the molds from your ceiling with a sponge or dishcloth soaked in water.
What is the best way to get rid of black mold?
Before you can remove black mold, you will need to eliminate its food source and kill any live spores that may be present in your home. Remove any wet carpeting and dry out carpets and furniture affected by black mold over two weeks using fans and dehumidifiers. Once you have removed all of the excess moisture from your home, clean areas where black mold is growing with soap and water followed quickly by an application of bleach to kill any mold spores that may have returned.

Final thoughts on how to get rid of mold
In conclusion, mold can be a serious problem for many reasons. It stains, spreads, and is often difficult to remove once established. The best defense against mold is a good offense. If you remove the moisture source and clean up any mold that has already formed, you can prevent a recurring problem from forming in your home.
The post How to Get Rid of Mold appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.