Grow Ficus Trees

Ficus Tree Leaves Falling Off: Why Is My Ficus Losing Leaves?


Growing ficus trees is a great hobby for anyone who wants to try their hand at gardening. These plants are easy to grow indoors, and they thrive in low light. Best of all, these plants require little maintenance.

In this article, we’ll go over how to grow ficus trees by first providing some helpful information on how to care for this great plant. Then, you can take a look at our top tips for growing other types of plants you might want in your home. Keep reading to learn more.

How to care for ficus trees

The following are the steps to consider when taking care of a ficus tree.

Ficus Tree Leaves Falling Off: Why Is My Ficus Losing Leaves?

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1. Place your ficus tree near a window

The best place to grow ficus trees is by a window. If you don’t have access to natural light, try using a grow light for your plant. As long as the tree gets some sort of light source, it will start growing and thriving in its new ecosystem.

You mustn’t put this plant in direct sunshine because it can burn the leaves and cause irreversible damage to the plant’s interior structure. Position your ficus tree away from any windows or walls that receive intense sunlight throughout the day.

2. Water the soil regularly but not too much.

Fertilize once per month during spring and summer and once every two months during fall and winter.

Like other houseplants, ficus trees require adequate watering to grow healthy and strong. The soil should never be completely dry or fully saturated with water. To check if your plant needs water, gently squeeze the pot and then let it go. If there’s no change in resistance against your fingertips, this means that the soil is already damp enough and you don’t need to water more. You can also use a moisture meter which will indicate if your ficus tree needs more water by going above 80%.

If you notice drooping leaves or branches on your plant, then chances are that the roots have been over-soaked with water for too long. In this case, allow some time to pass before watering the soil again. This will allow some of the water to drain from all of the branches and make sure that they get enough air to breathe.

3. Keep an eye out for pests, especially spider mites.

Spiders are a common pest that feeds on plants with weakened immune systems or spotted leaves. If you see any of these critters crawling on your ficus tree, it’s best to take action before they reproduce and destroy your entire plant collection.

To combat these bugs healthily, spray your plant thoroughly with water so that you wash all of them away and prevent them from coming back. You can also use biological or home remedies such as using dish soap or vinegar which will kill off most small insects.

4. Prune away brown leaves or branches regularly

Prune off any dead or dying leaves and branches that aren’t attached to the main trunk of your plant. By pruning these parts of the tree, you’ll be encouraging new growth and promoting a healthy ecosystem for your ficus tree.

In addition to pruning dead leaves, you can also trim back any branches that are growing in the opposite direction. This will help the ficus tree grow strong and healthy.

5. Repot your plant now and then.

Repotting your ficus tree is very important because it helps encourage new growth, reduce soil compaction, aerate the roots, eliminate disease-causing pathogens, decrease humidity levels around the trunk of the plant, and stimulate root growth to support a healthier tree. 

You should repot your tree once or twice per year depending on how quickly it outgrows its current pot space. If you’re not sure when to repot your ficus tree, simply wait until there are noticeable signs of root growth coming up from the drainage holes. By this time, your tree should be big enough to be transplanted into a larger pot.

Ficus trees are great starter plants because they’re so forgiving.

With just a little attention, even those who know nothing about gardening can grow their very own ficus tree. As long as you follow the steps above, you should see your plant flourish within weeks after starting it indoors. 

Intro to Ficus Trees — STUMP | Curated Plants + Sustainably Crafted Wares

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Grow Creeping Fig Indoors

Let’s now look at other types of plants you might want to grow in your home. A creeping fig, or ficus pumila, makes houseplants that can grow anywhere. They like moist soil and bright light, but they’re hardly demanding plants. However, if your creeping fig isn’t growing as much as you’d like it indoors, it could be because its roots are getting too crowded in the pot where it’s planted.

Leaf drop sometimes happens due to stress from the environment or cultural practices, but more often than not dormant buds remain on a tree even after leaves have fallen off. The reasons why these buds don’t produce new growth are varied enough that you should ask your local garden center professional for advice before resorting to drastic measures.

Growing creeping fig indoors can be an ideal houseplant choice because it requires minimal care. Creeping figs can grow well in containers or terrariums as long as humidity levels are kept high to reduce water stress on the leaves.

Best Topiary Plants To Grow

Many types of houseplants make great indoor topiary plants when they’re pruned regularly. You can also shape long-lived outdoor topiary plants with minimal effort by following the same steps year after year to maintain their shapes.

For example, you could grow a tree fern in planters indoors since they thrive on high humidity and do well with minimal light. On the other hand, palm trees are good outdoor topiary plants because most types of them don’t need direct sunlight, so you can move them around your yard without worrying about scorching their leaves. Also, if you want to plant smaller ones inside your home, it’s best to keep them in containers rather than planting them directly into planters’ garden beds.

Knowing which are the best topiary plants to grow indoors and outdoors is only part of the equation. You also need to know how to train them into their shapes before you can enjoy their full potential.

Final thoughts on growing ficus trees

In conclusion, the know-how you gain from reading this article can serve as a great foundation for your gardening endeavors, giving you everything you need to grow your own healthy, thriving ficus tree. Remember to be patient with your ficus tree because although they are fairly easy to take care of they do require regular attention and lots of love. The same applies with any type of plant you might want to grow in your home.

The post Grow Ficus Trees appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.
