DIY Bird Bath Ideas

DIY bird baths


Going through a home renovation and figured you’d make use of some old things for a bird bath? A bird bath is a great way to stay in touch with the birds that come and go to visit your gorgeous gardens. Here’s how to put together a bird bath at home!

DIY bird baths

Choosing a DIY Bird Bath Idea

Before deciding on a bird bath, here’s what you have to consider:

What Do You Have

Nearly all of our DIY bird bath ideas work with things you may already have. Maybe you have a spare tomato cage, plastic plant saucer, glass serving bowl, hanging planter, an old lamp, some portland cement, or terra cotta pots that you can turn into an inexpensive bird bath.

Do You Want a Unique Bird Bath

If you’re looking for a unique bird bath, you may have to look for more materials at the thrift store for a specific table leg or glass tiles. If you’re going for a certain look, you may need a certain type of spray paint, colored sand, or glass beads. Get creative! This is ultimately your DIY bird bath.

What Do Your Feathered Friends Need

Aside from what you have and want, think about what will ultimately attract birds and make them want to choose your bird bath from all the others.

DIY Bird Baths

If you’re looking for inspiration, here are our top DIY bird bath ideas you can try out!

DIY bird bath ideas

Tomato Cage Bird Bath

Looking for an easy bird bath? Grab a tomato cage! To make a tomato cage bird bath, just place it on the ground and find a terra cotta saucer, a candle plate, or an old serving bowl that fits snuggly on the top.

A Mosaic Bird Bath

A mosaic bird bath is really pretty but functional. You can put together a mosaic DIY bird bath by collecting tiles from thrift stores or using gorilla glue to put bits and pieces of colored glass together. This colorful bird bath makes a really fun project and gets your creative juices flowing!

Lamp Bird Bath

A lamp bird bath can make really good use of an antique or ugly lamp. To make this homemade bird bath, dismantle the lamp and use the stand as the bird bath’s pedestal. Use any bowl, tray, or lid as the bath.

Tree Stump Bird Bath

Another popular DIY bird bath idea is upcycling a tree stump. This simple DIY bird bath entails you hollowing an old tree stump or leaving it as is and placing an old sink, water basin, or plate on top.

Hanging Bird Bath

You can use anything for a hanging bird bath as long as the chains or rope you use can carry that casserole tray or terra cotta plate. Place your hanging bird bath on a tree that your feathered friends frequent.

Bowl Bird Bath

You can make an easy DIY bird bath by using a bowl. Use a lamp base or an old table leg to hold up the bird bath fountain.

A Heated Bird Bath

One of the more modern DIY bird bath ideas includes a solar fountain and panel to make sure that the birds are bathing in water all year round.

Flower Pot Bird Bath

Bird baths made out of flower pots? 100% possible. This is one of those DIY bird bath ideas that won’t cost much if you’ve already got those pots on hand. Leave the flower pot bath on the floor or elevate it with a stand.

Solid Wood Bird Bath

If you want bird baths with a certain mystical and earthy feel, put together a solid wood bird bath! You can gather that excess DIY project wood from the garden shed and build a bird bath. Keep the wood raw or whip out your outdoor paint for a pop of color!

Concrete Leaf Bird Bath

This bird bath DIY project requires a large leaf and concrete. Basically, you coat the lead in concrete and leave it to set. This caste can then be used to execute your bird bath idea.

Serving Bowl Bird Bath

To make a teapot bird bath or one out of a serving bowl, take your old dishware and add a stand! These birdbaths are a great way to upcycle old dishes.

Chair Bird Bath

To make a chair bird bath, simply remove the cushion and any other covers. Use the bare chair as a stand for the birdbath and find a saucer, pot, or plate for the bathing area.

Sink Bird Bath

Sink bird baths are also easy and budget-friendly. You can leave your old sink on the garden floor and let the birds come and go as you please. You can also elevate the bird bath by looking for or making a stand that can carry its weight.

Terra Cotta Pot Bird Bath

homemade bird bath

Another popular bird bath is the terra cotta pot bird bath. Look through your terra cotta pots and look for one that is the right size for the kind of bird bath you want. Put the terra cotta pot on a wire stand to turn it into a bird bath!

Yes, You Can Make a Bird Bath!

As you can see, a bird bath doesn’t have to be complicated. You can make a really colorful birdbath or one that’s more suited for your zen garden. Take a look at what has bird bath potential and start putting one together!

The post DIY Bird Bath Ideas appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.
