Brown Patch Lawn Disease

Here are the Most Common Reasons for Brown Spots on the Lawn


Brown patch lawn disease is a common problem that affects many gardens.

Brown patches on your grass are not always caused by the same type of fungus or bacteria, so it’s important to have a professional identify the problem before you try to fix it yourself.

In this article,  we will discuss what brown patch lawn disease is, the signs of brown patch lawn disease, how to prevent and treat brown patch lawn disease, and where you can find more information about diagnosing and treating brown spot diseases in your yard. Keep reading to find out more. 

What Is Brown Patch Lawn Disease?

Brown patch lawn disease is a fungus that affects grasses. It can cause patches of your lawn to turn brown, and in severe cases, it can kill the grass. The fungus thrives in hot, humid weather, and so the best way to prevent brown patch lawn disease is to make sure your lawn is healthy and well-maintained.

Here are the Most Common Reasons for Brown Spots on the Lawn

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By watering your lawn properly and mowing it regularly, you can help to keep the grass healthy and reduce the chances of brown patch lawn disease. If you do notice signs of brown patch lawn disease, it’s important to take action right away to prevent the fungus from spreading.

Alternatively, you can also treat brown patch lawn disease with fungicides. There are many different types of fungicides available, so it’s important to talk to a professional about which one is best for your situation.

Signs Of Brown Patch Lawn Disease

The most common sign of brown patch lawn disease is a large, circular patch of brown grass. The edges of the patch will be well-defined, and the centre will be relatively dry. In some cases, you may also see small patches of pink or purple fungus growing on the edge of the brown patch. If you see any of these signs, particularly if you live in an area where the fungus is common, it’s important to have your grass tested.

Another common sign of brown patch lawn disease is the appearance of lesions on the leaves of the grass. These lesions will be dark green or brown, and they will often have a yellow halo around them. If you see any lesions on your grass, it’s important to contact a professional right away.

How To Prevent And Treat Brown Patch Lawn Disease

Brown patch lawn disease is difficult to eliminate, but there are some things you can do to ensure that it doesn’t spread or get worse. The best way to prevent brown patches is to keep your grass healthy by regularly mowing, fertilizing, watering, and aerating it. If you have prolonged periods of hot weather every year, consider installing shade trees so that your yard is cooler. If possible, choose two different kinds of grasses for your yard so they don’t all die at once if one type gets sick.

Moreover, you can also treat brown patch lawn disease with fungicides. There are many different types of fungicides available, so it’s important to talk to a professional about which one is best for your situation.

If you do see signs of a brown patch, it’s important to take action right away to prevent the fungus from spreading. You can treat the fungus with fungicides, or you can try to remove the affected areas of grass and replace them with new sod. It’s important to remember that brown patch lawn disease can be difficult to get rid of, so you may need to take these steps more than once to get rid of the fungus completely. Speaking of fungus, here’s how to get rid of mold.

Finally, it’s important to remember that not all patches of brown grass are caused by brown patch lawn disease. Many other things can cause your grass to turn brown, such as drought, pests, and poor soil quality. If you’re not sure what’s causing the problem, it’s best to contact a professional so they can diagnose the issue and recommend a course of treatment.

Other Important Considerations

If you hire a company to diagnose and treat your lawn, make sure that they use environmentally-friendly fungicides. Some types of fungicide can be harmful to the environment and even pets and children. It’s also important to water your lawn after treating it with fungicide because too much moisture will encourage the fungus to grow again.

You should also remember that brown patch disease is more likely to attack the cool-season grasses in your yard. Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and ryegrass are all very susceptible to brown patch disease. This means that some parts of your yard may die while other parts thrive depending on what type of grass grows there naturally.

Bermuda grass is less susceptible to brown patches, so if you have this type of grass in your yard, you’re less likely to see signs of fungus.

In short, brown patch lawn disease is a difficult fungus to get rid of, but there are some things you can do to prevent it from spreading or getting worse. If you see any signs of the disease, contact a professional right away so they can recommend a course of treatment. 

Remember that not all patches of brown grass are caused by brown patches, so it’s important to diagnose the problem before taking any action.

The weather conditions

Humid weather combined with cloddy soils can cause a fungal brown patch. The fungus that causes the disease proliferates in moist conditions. To prevent brown patch lawn disease, strive to keep your grass as dry as possible. Watergrass deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth.

How to Identify, Control and Prevent Brown Patch - Lawnstarter

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Brown patch lawn disease – FAQ

When does brown patch lawn disease show up?

Brown patch lawn disease often appears in late summer or early fall.

What are the symptoms of brown patch lawn disease?

The most common symptoms of brown patch lawn disease are circular patches of dead, brown grass. These patches can often be several feet across and can spread rapidly.

What causes brown patch lawn disease?

Brown patch lawn disease is caused by a fungus that thrives in moist conditions. The fungus feeds on the grass’s leaves, causing them to die and turn brown.

How can I treat brown patch lawn disease?

There is no cure for brown patch lawn disease, but you can take steps to prevent it from spreading. You can start by mowing your lawn at the proper height and removing dead or dying patches of grass as soon as you notice them. 

Finally, try to keep your lawn as dry as possible; don’t let water stand on it for long periods, and make sure that you’re not over-watering your lawn.

What do dark rings around the patches mean?

If you see dark rings around the patches of brown grass, it means that the fungus is also attacking the roots of the grass. This can kill the grass and cause it to turn black.

What should I do if my lawn is severely affected by brown patch disease?

If your lawn is severely affected by brown patch disease, you may need to replace it with new grass. You can start by removing all of the dead or dying grass and then tilling the soil to loosen it up. Next, spread a layer of topsoil over the soil and then sow the new grass seeds. Finally, water the area well and keep it moist until the seeds germinate.

Final thoughts on brown patch lawn disease

In conclusion, brown patch lawn disease is a serious problem that can cause a lot of damage to your lawn. Early detection and treatment are essential for preventing any long-term damage. Be sure to keep an eye on your lawn and contact a professional if you suspect that your garden may have this disease.

For further reading, check out this post on how to test soil ph. This will ensure that your soil isn’t too acidic and won’t end up having trouble absorbing the right nutrients.

The post Brown Patch Lawn Disease appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.
